The patois and the parse in the acrostic voice of
shame, n-tuple permutations of subsets, children of
the unknown language, of the argot and the cant.
Quotidians in the body language of the vowel, or
Ameslan of the consonant, the syndicated, isolation
of facial curse or said claw of Schrödinger’s cat.
Nonce word, calque, loanshift or borrowed ghost,
the semateme saber of scatologies, where sonnets of
Emily in phrases set, fails in echoes of metonym.
Horn rimmed tree in the meniscus prisms of the
monocle sun, henna the late day fields of grass, all ruby
shoulders in bisect of burning glass, Doric summer.
Volute reeds in blister, as tan drifts over the peach,
ochery in haruspex of lion grass, and the comb grass
as the winds portend, through reeds of broken tines.
Inchoate adit the lane of breath, something less
feasible regarding the air, what is canal to the dry
throat, as tubulus cough, from flues of Blue Herron.
Biconcave the lens of heat, subduing frocks of
Black Sapote, glare the Oak of Dodona, sufferings
zoetropes dross games of July, Sol-ish fires of prism.
For the runnel, the running ghyll of rillet,
dalles the apple moss which vie upon the neap,
my steps unsteady like the quavers of charivari,
on the rota of stones, I shudder sluice.
I detest in the barsat where the waters never
join, either habit of attire wherein rivers part by
callous of granite, but join the burn knavish,
by flat or gybe, the other side.
Lay the mead it’s impanation, mature waters
of indecorum, where the lease of trespass seeks the
sand, Sangraal the holy beads without pleasance,
gains of prosper, ascend to rebel.
You made maintenance of all powers,
the heart a non participant,
a single word given, I by thousands,
inequities the singer sounds,
the tongue less heart,
the beating dominance,
the who love abridge by dark,
night by way of perish,
where the low chill braise upon the soil,
her mist of certitude.
Joy is the swell of timberlands,
where the birds of orchestra comment,
your silence sitting on stones,
ardency's recuse of comment,
peculiar beings with uneven equity,
therein confusions of misstep,
in the end a laughter was sentenced
over weeping, the speaker poet mentoring
the loneliest attritions of wordless song.
The clouds moved on,
and the Bashful Wake Robin remains,
the False White Indigo,
the Wild Blue Vine,
covers sheath,
the Schreber’s Water Shield.
Hearts climbed tall,
the Vase-vines, Clematis Viorna,
desiring holds still the Bellflower,
though hap of Halberd leaf,
the field here is still ringing,
and the Dutchman’s breeches,
yet impel by Ardor or shape,
the nurse’s hat.
The Wild Teasel,
falters un-incumbent, grain gray flax,
or tenderest losses of pickerel weed,
White Trillium,
or Chelone Lyonii,
as the Turk’s cap lilies retrace,
weld feels certain,
the lovely, plaintiff cloud, Baptisa Alba,
whence moved on.
Aquarists swimmers, flexion motions Rose Dore,
fluid emotions in Thunniforms of crescent fins, hearts
in ascendant assignations or sates of Scarlet Lake.
Not as the codices or rivet stems, Countcoffe lavender,
or under-water of Davy’s grey, her last of thin brushes,
Luke branches, grief of Quinacridone violet.
From the thus of Smalt seas, Phthalo turquoise as
suffer come up for air, lateral love augment false this leaf
in her river rushes, Capital Mortuum Violet.
Esme’s eyes of YlnMn blue, ( in-min blue ),
Agnus ribbons of excelsior, importing cuts
of light, alter pieces observing the Seax cuts
in schematic grasses moving, sensorial pupils of
sporadic black capillaries.
Takemasa minuets as silver censors pulse,
filament emotion in pictorial enamels,
Pammakaristos sanctuary, light gold leaf
of kiln writings, Esme’s mirror black in Ottonian
arts of flames burning.
The waltzes of permissions, in eidolons weeping
dance through met mezzanines of stained glass,
hopes in reminiscence irons of Suigenkyo, or the
pyramids of incense, her lover’s heart, remembering
the nuance of melds or realgar smoldering, craft travels
of times terraces retracing.
Phacelia flowers, Colletidae’s of flitting chittarone,
purple pollens for the ramekin, thalo violet the tinctures
of sweetest honey.
Amegilla dawsoni, rehoboam sectors in Basse terre
of hives, blue pollen squills, yellow morph of sunflowers,
yellow white of heather.
Orchard bees Euglossini, carry home the brown pollen
of cherry plums, filling vacancies of tabula rasa, notes upon
truant rain, or fainting sun’s of defector.
Absentees the blueish gray of borage, greens of anthers
and pannicles, greener banding lilies of the quilts, lost Cretotrigona
prisca who had fall among amber.
Authentic bread as a woman gives, Le De’cret Pain,
Groseille sutane, the bread decree, e’pi, ear of wheat,
fruits of longanimity, Pruneax ou, parities chataignes,
fraiche, pain complet.
Petite hands of small church, mille fleur her fingers
carrying full fields, Graines de Lin, Paquetette, Aconit
de Noel, Liseron, Tournesol, gloss touch of dart, le
clocher, flambeau, autumn flan.
Flambéed pears, acreage seasons, le Demi-hectare
mascin, tea noir, femme le sucre, Pommes sechees,
Apricot sec, Pan couronne, Manqué, Baies de Goji
sechees, Canneberges. le miel, le che’ri.
By the brand or acetylene of the summer star,
or scintillation of asterisk, which aviate ember comets,
the Cimmerian screen withdraws. Unlike the louring
thunder, the water light tapering tamps, the gloriole
of morning, glister raising mantel, glare azure, upon
will-o-whist white. Pharos in every courtesy loft, the
four-de-lea of staircase cypress, passing the childish
glee of splendid Em Holden, of sconce or sun-ray
lamp, soft fragrance aids, but dalliance to veil.
Comforting Batiste, placing soft wrap around
yesterdays’s shoulders, cajoling the wandering horizons,
tears of unknown edge, past Courbet’s marine, leaflet
memories pressed under sextants of soil and grass,
adrift calendars of casual meandering.
Recesses speaking for the pre-chant skies of saints,
past braille lace flowers, unstitches of memories, absentee
segments of Chantilly, linear definitions in courses of objects,
should the base knots of beginning threads, be covenant to
me, every tailor, a bidden bind coming?
To frighten the thicket it’s impasse, sickle in sprites
of endless dispatch, some be the path of weeds, an excess of
exercise, keeping callous the palms of days, search the felling
for a way, cutting the scaffolds of knuckles, skin of slivers,
dreads grains in obliques of hardwoods.
Sulids song from the Floratam,
Sanderlings serenades from the sea grass,
from the reed splines, tomes of splendid reminiscers
gamelan orchestras of Pomarine jaegers.
Custos breve in half rest of clouds, ottava
wings of passage, Ash split songs of cane or
chantress, soft diesis of Akepa, tercet orange mediant
melodies, Dorian blues of presa hosts.
Bouteloua or lovegrasses, Coix lacryma-jobi,
Oriels of Oryza humming, leitmotivs of soft strains,
inland winds among the Teff, patina songs of lemongrass,
yellow Sordo of sweet Saccharum.
Glass art marbles…
satellites wet mint purple,
Christiansen agates,
Veiliglass wire pulls, Seahorse orange,
blue tang, play of childish planets.
Vaseline glass,
helmet clays or watermelons,
hand-mare orbits of morning glories,
Jabo, Peltier,
buddings of interior breath,
inside the rainbows,
successor’s games of 4 veined cat’s eyes,
per Akro, Das purple,
Ghost marbles of brushed conquerors,
translucent redwoods, ravenswood black,
green glass of enchanted forests,
Cairo Heaton,
lavender fluorescents, re-agent plums,
aquatic brown or ruby dragons,
King Vacor dreaming,
nightshade comets,
Cadmium stars or light bound clearies.
Always petting the candle light,
briar wick of paraffin
uviol lamps by oil’s incite,
the braise of stars.
Owlet’s walking the gables of Aries,
leaving lashes to the flame,
slender calefactions, duelists replevin,
fire eaters, fair to grief.
Late August of mulberry,
certain within sires of peat,
conceive the lads of noon less creative,
than cinder nights mosaic sate,
hire heft,
the stronger pectoral spark.
Leavening sulfurs, merrymaking,
for daughters without, the lights of sheath,
more piquant blush sustaining,
saffron moments, trembling white
ingots of crimson mantelpiece.
Jurisconsult, barren peach tree, assumpsit of December’s
discrowned sun, pugnacious disputations of fruitless attendances
in mora of wastrel’s branch, thrive in replevin the extravagant
demand, orchards to terrace, a huis clos, oblique natural orders,
prorogues per demand.
Flordacrest or Carored, by yellow dances Fond du Lac,
come the tympan or the lamella leaf, in the petal of full season,
there will be licit flowers in ridicule of reason ere the darkness
adjourn, premise thrive thereby the light, surrebutter serve writ,
sighting grace of bitter season.
Hand giving transfers, comely chirography,
passage fasteners of heart, trysting places of
retinues, mousseux, intumescent leaflets proposing,
ornaments sequela in soft remittance, heirlooms
of hemming shadows.
Letters of shoal press supine, the glyphs of
figurina, merits of paper where hearts of intaglios
rest upon her pillows, notan daughters black
and white.
Pleasantries leaning in draughts of tablature,
pentalpha principles of her stars, mullets five by honor,
leafing skies of symmetrical beauty, all be it to limn
of poetry, marmorean touches values Parian,
quint passions of pentad hearts.
Bohn the illustrations of light, bright birds
of morning mezzanine, periodic oratress among
the kittiwakes, pittites of flowers, breezes of Eng.
theatre, golden tortoises intramural light’s
Might I here, a copper intermission?
Lowering candles to the sequins of horizon ,
breast of evening, intercession as flames dismast,
wreaths refulgent lain to ground, requiescat in pace,
the shadows leave in silent chiaroscuro,
Might I here, oil of floating lanterns?
The hour transposes, trespasses of Somerset,
foresight of mature season, clarets resurgent
compline to chersonese, morning’s ruby whisperings
of Myrana, patois of Lepistemon, Mary of olives,
new labor.
Nierembergia surrounding, she married,
Tophet, in deference to minuets,
in avaricious alter, by will of caitiff,
her minuend to entrammel.
Obedience full consortium,
she became reach greetings of his hand,
her beauty blackening,
full will with remission,
she was her husband and therefore a man.
Pejorative cleaning the eunuch flute,
her quantifying onion of weeping ends,
gravamen song contumelious singing,
she the 6th digit in the rind of his hand.
His jonquils expanding as she absolves,
paragon flowers of parsimony,
having married charities of self missives,
benefits magnanimous, unwittingly
selfishness finds him kissing only,
his own empirical ends!
Tilings perhaps of plein-airist or poetic kineticist,
hardened incising postconcretist,
copperplate tinting clay words, statuaries
of mono winds with scenewright meanings.
Gilded idealist of rye vignettes, processes bound
in dry points of zincograph, should the light
feel better than tan or Paul Ricault be conferred
with greater burin purple. There is that drawer
of water just beyond where the sand knobs
begin, pulling from the active world, lure
yet, waves again, but the aquarists and
marine painters must model the consenting impress,
dreams depicting slenderest focus. Eakins, Delacroix
and Ozenfant caravan to move the view, as does
the aquarist writer mouldering words unist, such
temperaments preserving poptical artists.
The sun turned left onto Meredith, moving remunerations
to the frugal horns of cicada’s song, with warming shoulders
I step in balance, the regal rays of dawn, paradigms fortuitous
peaceful ascent.
Breezes of oklava fold upon the Rymin rye, lifting lightly
slight debranned grains in it’s whist of baskets, briefs of
quiet force engaging my paces, wherein delights it’s excitations
I to the sorting rare pleasures, found Criollo beside the
the Dutchman’s pipe, leaves of Huichol parting the awakened
mists, calm my own wavering breath, farriers present moistened
with glee.
Most of life we didn’t build, as we function in
preexisting structures, the old growth and the
autobahn, transits of cypress for aggregate stone.
Hundreds fore our trace of land, ampules of this
earth, agile beauty the fragments we walk, my
lover true. This garrison window others will
use, on the hour my flesh is done, I will sleep
in you, this closed heart of worship, not knowing
the long spines of Juniper which surround me.
Perishables here I suffer, forgetful relinquishments
of the boundless views wherein my thoughts
your graces planted, a parcel of all returnees,
to the chilling order of this womb, recount me in
my dying the tiny wakes of grass, being feathers,
the streams of drinking hares, I postpone before
such harvests, how devout this wrestling heart
pleasured docile sprigs, darlings of arduous habitat,
bitter forbade I can’t take with me, gracious daily,
neither portrait or friend.
Come to Amur Maackia, come cornucopia,
bracing shoulders of staves decoctum,
limber tempering bound-ish hearts Aotearoa,
Anne Marie Trechslin.
In reeds of rain, on fell bales harvesting, the
drinking of Johnathon’s, blushes soaking
Gala, yellow xanthins Idared, artesian’s cast in
fluid fain of autumnal muscle, passions
met of season.
Bordure Nacree, Clair Matin her archway of
six roses, supplicant breezes her sighs in
Vive, thrive again forward springs, Clea’s Roses,
Belle Poitevine awaiting her gaining sounds,
of filling leaves entry.
Tea’s -
Darjeeling Margaret’s Hope,
Yin Zhenceleste,
darling Karas Choat,
caressing certain pressures
of fingertips,
delights to elicit,
dampened sighs from porcelain.
A morsel dropped, of Pu-erh,
raising pitch,
in premise of leaf,
both vegetal and vanilla notes,
and perhaps dark dragons,
in delightful delicacies
of floral temperament.
There is a stone with a ring bore,
aligning center table,
her morning portion
fresh by air,
of Kiptagich Purple oolong,
offering mineral
and artichoke notes,
tomorrow dark liquor
in tomes of leather and undergrowth,
Kukicha Stemgreen,
her way of finding earth,
per tear, craft swelters atone.
A mural of Peltogyne,
painters of unripened reseda,
natives of amaranth,
reticulations of plaster,
brought a beautiful fidelity
to the nescience woods
of Purple Heart.
Numeracies in gnosis of leaves,
sophistries of the unlettered artist,
lines in foresight of acuity,
remaindered time,
in delicate, warm distortions,
misnomers of textures,
tender discordances of highlights,
tyro days, of expatriate elders.
Cognizance in due passage,
I felt the air of wallows,
in light headed passage,
donnish templates of the peace,
that principal hour of old hand,
pausing extricably the rote,
a date of wrinkled fingers,
passing tenderest visage,
simpler qualities across my face.
For Ciba, light blue captions,
livid blue announcing skies,
for Ciba, who atones in soft plebiscites
Lammas Day, Scilla siberica.
For Ciba, gifts of brass rubbings,
weatherings phthalocyanine,
brindles of indigo, her Blue Niles crying
perturbations in hand of Strawberry mark.
For Ciba, skimming bluets, Sedge sprites,
how softly she adapts the peacock wings humming,
her heavens songs of Robin’s egg blue,
stria shells of heart, as the yoke is breaking.
What is friable of yellow book
or siphon recorder, or physical research
the paste persons of what not?
Holocaust born of bund,
spurious reconnoiter,
executioner, evidence,
nihilist of self amanuensis,
hold me pomace, incrassate skin of hades,
intrust the why boxes of lost hopes,
stain of rose du Barry.
My shivering gelatins of surfeit faith,
factums grief
grenat bleeding, I coralline no more,
wounds sanguine,
the cruel death of color,
ponceau or rubic,
chiffonier of many drawers, creasing poultice,
to this inhabitant
in the mashes of almirah.
Felled to musket, vassalage imposter,
the plagiarist that lives my life,
contestant in tendril vehemence,
fumette or filament, paucities of diminutive,
a trace remembered behind the zealot.
It is small numbers I penetrate, I handle
breath from infrequency, I minority,
in the outline in exiguous clearings, the
remanent of catachresis, trope or simile delineate
has left, I am a carving of memory,
an impression, a palliative end in a change
of color, a paint the waters wore thin,
dissolutions of the patch, I pet my mirage,
from positions dead.
Sheaths of pacific, calumet of milt,
truce the bodies of amnesty,
armistice the fiqurework of waves,
botany of chaplet blue garlands,
where laden surpass the bonds of felloe.
Moulding of astragal, patera of Ovolo,
tower forms the flesh will build,
prospects fleet of timorous, whist to ulster,
atlantes, telamones of May,
garland yield's, the roe of prospects.
Rodomont the sea tides of self applauder,
and every extoll, puff of shore,
very rolls of sea flowers, corals or sargassum,
what mangroves solipsist of tea,
sovereigns continue, vibrant coxcombs of corals.
Green verdant, attached by fillet,
St. Bridgid’s coif,
stone bruises, the looms medieval,
though light mignonette,
draping soft thailo,
according buttons of typha sprouts,
thin linen spirit, earthing,
branch in brisk of fold.
Spirals in breath of glossaries,
in the seed are timberlines,
the universe in broken cinch of origami,
brindle binds of Pythagorus,
evermore wrists the mockingbird,
emerald grass eternal breathing,
caress waves ever knelling,
Waxwings in rocking chairs
of the branch.
Coiling lamp, the day of travel,
night or glooming abide,
ring fires caprice the light turning,
lost or eager souls, come again,
sovereign death finds birth certain season,
perils sown, the tangents redeeming.
Languid trifling, borrowing
the Little Dipper, waterlily,
in hospice sipping, I carry to land,
Nymphaea Atropurpurea,
Nymphaea Charlene Strawn.
Docilities sequins, tapering aqua,
claret, I bring to the Dahoon holly,
waders of Myrica cerifera,
gatherings before Salix caroliana,
Golden rods, Solidago spp.
Comely vase, in gin inch of water,
hospice least entrammel,
pathos, syrup umber soil,
Liquidambar staciflua,
Osmunda cinnamomea,
leaf of pickerelweed,
white-flowered duck potato.
Adelaide I ask, of blue en seconde,
disposition of gait,
why the narrows of precipice,
or battements of the instep,
mourning waters of tendu?
Adelaide I reasoned, corals of Releve’,
alacrities descant,
sunders of sodden white swan,
whither wastrel, in pointe per Jete’
weak between bound bands, Plie’.
Adelaide hazards, raven black in 1st position,
ilk fond of Chartreuse Miller,
caress Port de bras, Pirouette,
reverend duets Passe’ the waterfall,
fugue the feathers gable, Mute Swan.
Silk or forbearance, Lady Walpol’s reel,
weeping frondeur’s cautions in sluice,
fanfaron the rivulet slips, digress from the
shoulders, Lady KORbin immure to flounder.
Coccothraustes, coccothraustes, the feathered
nettling of the hat, yellow finch Spinus varying
derby, consummation or consumption, in tillage
of Baskin’s cap, flitterings digression compact.
The warming finger towel, brought her tears
to courtship, sop to sates left drink for orchids,
Miss Walpol would belie her sea to other port
of contrite dispositions, Lady KORbin’s glacé
glance mete her back, soft hopes with eyes of
sweetened Eucalyptus, early coy of certain regret.
Adelaide I ask, of blue en seconde,
disposition of gait,
why the narrows of precipice,
or battements of the instep,
mourning waters of tendu?
Adelaide I reasoned, corals of Releve’,
alacrities descant,
sunders of sodden white swan,
whither wastrel, in pointe per Jete’
weak between bound bands, Plie’.
Adelaide hazards, raven black in 1st position,
ilk fond of Chartreuse Miller,
caress Port de bras, Pirouette,
reverend duets Passe’ the waterfall,
fugue the feathers gable, Mute Swan.
To err astray the Zenaida doves,
peccable soils frail,
innocence lay alight the feathers,
saint Adam raise the newborn tender,
Namaqua doves invidia.
Knavish greyhounds of herringbones,
arraign upon the inculcated tooth,
callous citizens of hunger,
shriftless before the starets of pillar,
sentiments conducting salt.
Children of the nest, yeaforsooth,
spalpeen or bindlestiff, the eider down
of caitiff fate, n’er the gallows bird,
ascent regardless, amendable passions
of the Inca doves.
The headwind took a musical first chair,
feckless, tacit hands, deft fingers,
a paragon stringer which brought it’s instinct,
Perth operetta, to the sonnet trees.
If wizardry were felt, inhale and exhale,
a proficient polymath, or gifted
mystagogue, handedness was breathing,
in harness as the madrone bent.
In Renaissance of my impressions, perhaps
the Siskiyou mountains were pushing
back, but seneschal had not practiced the sage
of Rasputin, as had the custodial trees.
As was as if, the gales of magnum opus had
not encountered the cultivars of the Elfins,
in the care of husbandry, I kept possession,
my rein of scarf, as aft Bows Fedora!
Characters cochineal, Serin finch or Schalow’s
Turaco, asmine feathers with Loden green leaves on
oval peripheries, crowns of hanging flowers fuscous,
dun, Demerara , imperial purple spinnerets.
Avid pink of Coquerel’s Coua, Luma white braille,
fuchsia rings of fleur de lea, beneath water silk eyes
of lapis lazuli, amaranth of tufted Coquettes, follow
rosaniline, Bali Bird of paradise, flights of Kagu’s.
Naive jade of Chinese drawing letters, are written
press, retort designations impressed in feathers of
Impeyan Monal and Swinhoe’s Pheasant, xanthene
bands, canscent silver, pomelo or gentian prose.
Budgerigar’s, Ibis and Temminck’s Tragopans,
carry cerulean, musical symbols upon their chests
cinnabar affectations of orange pekoe and massicot
in spring or sallow regions, songs roan or niello.
Trompe l’oeil, sfumato
the nude or aerial perspective,
contemplating the found object,
limn or cross hatch of thought,
the chasing of the cameo.
With solvents or by turpentine,
the bone carving of the shadows,
scene paintings, sand castings,
cire perdue, the kinetic bronze
rivers of annunciation.
An oud wind speaking to the
aquarellists, fete galante, the
conversation piece, atelier, camera
lucida versus the museum’s retable,
finding home penorcon unstable.
All the Falco are born to spring, every Merlin,
or Common Kestrel, Gyrfalcons as well as
Claravis and Laughing doves, beside the hard
seeds coming, Sugar Ann peas and Cloudberries.
What grows from May of Ashmead’s Kernel,
of Frequin Rouge or Dabinetts, Elderberries of
long vine, holding notions of Aleutian time, of dials
Chamorro, and as well lands of Myretoun Ruby.
Lulworth butterflies revisit the long past of Erica
Darleyensis. Blues to Daboecis, the Commas and
the Checkered white, Mourning cloaks in the pearls
of Cosmos, reed for reed, sugars Bouvardia.
Stealing chessman from the walrus’s,
assuaging mythos by the unicorn throne,
false descriptors of flesh and bone,
by lives of profit, not your own.
Once by birds, boasts of feathered hats,
passerines in velvets of millinery cast,
summer songs of tendering flights,
in petulant displays of insular glass.
Fallen quick for flourish foods the Fennec
fox, err of forages foment our feasts,
all fattened contrarians afore the beasts,
sharing none of courage, as Ruppell’s fox
Tracing her cadence by Sandalled anemones,
her sandy slips of white sea cucumber, in the
gait of two rivers, was Solimoes loving, her
water’s foals running the shores of Portuguese
Encontro das Aguas, past all soldiers in grief
of her prize.
The burning of ribbons, the cession of leaves,
through and past her scholar, will the roses
graduate, Belle Portugaise, but her first
pursuant brought her a nation of lavender, in
him the grief strings of fado.
It was not known if there be a wedding of
swallows, or figurines given Alcochete, as
Beatriz devoted her joy to the receptions of
Balearic shearwaters, principal finery of the
Dunlins, beauty gathered none away.
The cuttings speak, glossolalia of flowers,
sighs before the chant, proems of terrarium,
the cuttings speak in pithily, citing flutes beguile,
Adam’s apple.
Though lesser the soft palates of vocal forms,
farewell encomium, averment the strine of leaf,
common they weep their civilisation's, contractions
in diminutions of chorus.
Parlance of the Matriarchs, English greed,
might the fortunes of chrestomathy find mankind
short of breath, haste succinct those fools who
prune the air, truncate!
Waifs of grain drift forward towards maturity,
elders of summer, summations of fall,
on breeze of devoirs, good wishes,
sweet kindred, let us meet again in May.
Waiting again for the cattails to reach my height,
beside the steams as waters unction,
my year for you, is a generation,
yet I jubilant in your embodied presence.
Currant Clearwings work cocoons of wool fell
weaving through the Wisteria vines cradles
belaying christening introductions, debutant
purples in silken flights, parvenu or roturier.
A submission of gray found harm in the glebe,
her small resignations of palm, her gown also
was a cast of shade, I dressed in charlatanry
that day, between the grape house and the bone
dust, Sumar May near Mallory.
Far too young for consanguinity, too tender
the cherish, her horizontal rose of lamentation.
Below a mount of sky, I washed her in Stygian
creek, calm before her own Rhadamanthus, I
bare not usher what harbinger had taken.
Sweet paynim her love for James, she kept no
other arm as Shepard, hidebound her mortal wince.
A hereabouts of flowers I lay at her breast, offering
the apocryphal lace to dissidence hands, gladful
withered there, her spire of blacks edicts.
It was the bell shaped hour when I found the
pear, before I came to the turning acriform of
maple leaf, with its conduits and its seams, its
ruche edges by the short leads of shirr.
Among the inlets, and thrice the vale, beyond
the crenate of the incisural trees, to pleasures
orchids, by lapel and Vandyke collar, to pectorals
and cupola that brought hillock to the face.
There plicate by collapse of day, the neaten seed
in annular of the sunflowers, from such ample
coronet, I have not left even-side, nor walked gonion,
from the spoken axis of chiasmus poets.
Tender marginal, manna of skin, soft précis,
Qistibi, the bread of habitations, Obi Non
supplicant touch of flour, yeast and milk.
Rose water curtesies in solartium as soigné,
leaven of Zopf, widows plait for brioche
in flaccid requiem of husbands felling.
Rising memories, figures of press and tactile
silence, sharing Injera, Naan of hearth, divine
affinities of warming bread, fleshes of Vanocka.
I live the realms of teacups,
posey’s of wegotism settle on the shelves,
beetlings of the lap-streak,
in rodomont of flora paintings,
a pound of words for the proprietorship.
A fine gram of sugar, whereby,
the coxcomb lay, in transilience of violets,
assuage to sheaths of calumet,
ornature of Morisco, or lister of acanthus,
warming atlantes, in billet of caryatides.
All cloisonné in repoussage of
illustrious women, less champleve’ chip,
falters to the rotations of public tranquility,
to meniscus tears in Huygenian of Campani’s
eyepiece, the frock of beauty left.
A drowsy rain with misgivings, tapering on worn
grasses of raillery, remit hearing serpentines
of melodies, persiflage of chaff.
Weeping the lots of Calcutta sweep, an umbilical
hour in fortuities of sun, clotures of mist which
did not come, light impulses of Coelebs stager.
The fountainheads of purview, reck spinster roots,
detenu in vigil of gifts, found the mount guard
needy, tun, prudent promises reconnoitered.
To mishandle of censor, or in lithe of pardons,
neither by appanage, her beauty, she took light rein,
my hands beneath Sarvis holly.
Her kiss of admiral, arboreal her pardons permit
winged fruits, what she earthed of Huisache or softened
abdications of Japanese Zelkova.
She did not relinquish, her mercies from Sephora,
supine her cessions of flowers, she abject certain citadels
paladins of the butterflies, her ravelin prevailed.
The faint phrases, the crying down,
animadversion, flays of squib,
pasquinade, twirling child,
will you find lambs redound the spit?
Article to the taste of black raspberries,
nectar opposing the skinning of the tongue,
write for the braided fires,
inveigle the okra flowers, bonnet heavy
the fragrant towers!
Meet elder your ovations,
your meed for the unrevered,
the gardens lionize felicities,
watch commend, as every blossom,
doffs their hats.
Winds condone their gyre beside you,
abrading memory, they brought their lyrics,
to the sorrows of transgression,
sing encomium, imprimaturs of mint,
costmary, lovage,
comfrey, marjoram, capsicum and mace,
live sanguine the hallowed!
All by roses of doyennes I weep,
for my letterhead of aiquillete,
countersigns of orchid semaphore,
each martyred veil of lambrequin,
martlet of the church bells,
the pull of faces flagging down,
the strawberry markings of fesse point.
Scottish thistle, English rose,
Welsh daffodils and the Japanese
sun rising, markings to be felt while
sejant, letterings of aftermath,
paraph or stigma.
Dimidiates of impress foreign affections
of sigil, or as shibboleth,
the odd weeds of Turkish crescent,
and the watchword of oriflamme,
here Gillette’s differencing,
affections less to hyphenate,
wreath or bays the brassards detect.
She had brought plainchants, songs Gruss An
Aachen, flowers by the bow, col arco, Gruss An
Teplitz, hymns to my sleeves, by grace note, pauses
of retenu did not hold back, in musica ficta, nor
feeling fauxbourdon, Athene figures phrasing.
She was the white rose, The Poet’s wife, I
the Alnwick rose, in the soft postern of Tangles
and Tatjana, I could not discern either pavane nor
e’tude, past my quotients to listen, after Friesia.
I was caught by her in Sparrieshoop, in slips
of pale pink, Souv. De Mme. Leonie Viennot,
her beauty would not be assembled in asserts of one
name, not by sixth or diminished sevenths, passions
signatures, Claire Matin, Clea’s rose, garden
contents she would settle, long before the snows.
Come limber leaf, transcending winds,
widening guild prolongations branches,
acceleration intumescence of honeyed sallows,
quivering though the wicking bee, may not
be worsted from autumn’s crescent shadow.
Come laurel the high peaks, as the Zephyr
bear prestige, as the prominent ancillaries
fear the calumet will worsen, for rosy cheeks
of exaltation, drift faltered toward earthen
feet, ruins offering glad trays to nadir.
All Hastings of ribbons, sleepless spring
ambition, the desultory jaspe’ will moire to
brighten, languishment Slough of Despond,
the Eeyorish will dance again in blithe, cordial
wind convivial, dulcet comfy gentled times.
Nigh-hand from the rive, or from the cleuch,
nowhere near the cotermin, your burning of
popinque or hairbreadth. Stride the foreground
of styptic pencil or cervix of emaciation, the
coarct of the belliform child, to leave by wildfire
for Ravennagrass, the cramp of ground between
us! Never the evanescence diminutive, I was the
river, to the iota of vanishing point, growing
mountains from pedigrees of monad, purlieus
vicinage of ultramundane, the wide berth of tears
for finger widths of transpacific, sand work
for the oracles of bountiful and sovereign shores.
Near caritas, pupils of hospitality, Wisteria
Shiro-kapitan, purple raceme of confrere,
fragrant inamorata in liaisons of the weeping
Consortships of well graces, light blossoms
of soft salutations, forelocks of bowers kiss,
glad hands of fluid pergolas, tender waists
Heigh by way the curtsies spoke, no words
of merriments fellowships told, consortiums of
anchorite, levees of maturation, convivial proximal
of insular touch.
Being as if there was a weight to the sky,
pererration, diffusion, a type of excursus
or blanch, a furtherance from the winds
of fowardal, it came without bellwether,
a gray muscularity, le pas.
I felt no transit in its shunt of step, birds
of alight did not disemplane, the flume of
rain did not debouch, waiting in the ingress,
the companionway, the adit approach, in
propylaeum, I did sense my thoughts.
Nether sun of emigre nor viaticum spoke,
will-of-the-wisps did not effuse or heather
disembogue, if there was an moment to push
the day, it would not avulse, perhaps an aside to
intermit, I by osmose returned patent, for sleep.
Lightish to the tantalum lamp I waken,
dreams to the candlestand, leave with the
paraffin butterflies of eventide, by reeds begloom
Brise-soleil the choice of the unlit eyes open,
sashes ample the veilleuse of morning, to every
filament of lamplet willows I take, will again bedim
the clads to rest.
Here then the lumen-hours, what is Fata
Morgana, which tampers, lux the earthshine of
rutilant schemes, lampyrids of timid thought,
It was a wedding of two shadows,
each of the pantomimes gathered,
abiding the congregation of tones,
a fiction of leaves and a friction of ravens,
helping fable through the heavy doors.
I was there in icterous, if considering
my throne upon saffron’s challis,
mikado yellow and the middle stone,
among summer’s vernant guests of
aestival, to weavers hands infuscation,
I joined thus the deeper shoulders
embrown most somber. I would bring
rubor crimsoning melancholy, before
the moleskin gray of the water’s reflection
made grave it’s bishop’s purple quivering
stria, through the iris of Monsignor windows,
as the midnight absolved, fireflies for eyebrows
in the leery visage of facsimiles quests.
Sounder riposte to untwine the errors,
contra remonstrance, surrejoinder,
the feminine antiphon, the womanly oceans,
questing soluble measurements, free questions
of guess rights, feel endless the waves to rise,
ballon d’essai, emporia trials, the Are waters,
flounce to retort. Replies of kindred, beyond
the spoor ordeal or masculine frisk, cut or try,
the power of our waters, receipt to muscles,
reducing our gendered indagatives to fittings of
cork or cup. The heat of riddled denouement, of
fact finding sport, fails disinter even in rough
draft, the challenge of women, delve there the
heaven poke, of fear! Let then the down-stone
riddles resolve, we are coming for our peace,
on to the flagrant docimasy, thalassemias,
power, rebuttal! Cast all seed, it comes to nothing
beyond the soil! Look, the mighty rinse is free,
rush we must the hurry to tumult sod!
Laccaria Ammethystina,
Amethyst deceiver,
in the coy of temperate forests,
of the lands I walk,
caress to raise, my weight on soil.
Less the distances from capitals,
pacing seed I plant,
with my wilderness compressions,
brilliant azulene,
of Entoloma hochstetteri,
or Trametes versicolor,
lacing frocks of ladies,
Phallus indusiatus.
Receiverships of earthen milt,
the spore need not offer an argument,
for in grace the foliage plant,
in finger bowls, of orange-pink,
the lying beds of
Clavaria zollingeri,
Etain violets in the midst,
there in the pedigrams, might I persist.
Might I learn to speak as color,
by silent, violaceous impression,
or in moire patterns of light,
in the peaceful confetti of ophite,
in the tartans tessellate,
in irisation of Tyrian purple.
Here among the breathing number,
fellowmen of the parsec,
seeing the pinto of eyes,
Caelus there,
or Via Lactea,
to quietly appraise,
the hues of night medley
or dilute dun-white.
O, to bronze diversities
of auric and the verditer
to amend philamot, to that of Goya,
heartfelt minium
to naphthylamine black,
melane for ivory,
russet wounds in crocein of skin,
to lift the tea roses,
beyond lost leagues of Javelle water.