Fleeceflower tensile in the Flemish bond, spire leaf
milling stone, weights of moist sand, yield stress,
wedge of weeping, for sere of home.
Teeswater, in the timothy, pleaching among the
linseed and the rape, harrow the sowing sheep,
in the foster, bail in the field peas, and the fen.
Bringing to every farrow, the offspring of hue,
every progeny postnatal borrowed from color,
every enceinte red, estral purple, the morrow.
Lady in waiting, au pair of Abigail, soubrette’s hands,
doyenne fluff, the morning flowers, between-maid of
silk sills and morning bowers.
Bidding writ garnish behest, principle munitions of
pleasure, parley briefs of verbum, all manner of
herald, before the criers questions levy or left.
Folds chatelaine, dowager sheets of starlets, abbess
the morning, first paler, of faint blue skies, vignettes
palatines of sweet eparch, clove subtle the spill of
milk, light lips that seal by shutter.
Tulipe noir, pardon drams before the synergy,
tableau vivant, as delft shadows case, below
the Trident Elms.
Jostle won among the soil, midnights crate of
goats, laughter’s albeit, hearts of exercise, odds
astride the gloat.
Through the thorough jade, sings the throat
of sorrows, heiress voice the yellow flowers.
Truth concurs with the aromatics, such undone
on tapis, those fallen with autumn’s coats.
Poniard fine curtail, for ebon through the light,
sciolist cutting the gathering oaks tegumentary,
seeking the shadowgraph, in secret placements
of Sabbath weather, the opaque measure’s of
long forsaken fingerprints.
Figurante quick above the blade, leap before
the protractor, where all that was given, is
taken back. Pillon of the saddle, where the
stars of skiagram nestle, pry unique earth,
entrances agape, the baffles of the burning.
More naked than her clothing indicates, emotions
beyond the cloth, she animates poets, sable readings,
water along the thighs.
Wring from the seas one last breath, what strath
recondite might commute, opus of final compression,
inwrought forms of waves to wide.
Beyond the transom, be the door, plenary’s sheers,
the pencraft unspoken, radials unheard, leave the
bodies of invention, to aggregators etching, liters
false composite, on ocean floors.
Charybdis, anabranch, ghyll or rillet, the halyard
line that lariat before, rota, the unnamed by rough
sand, turn over gybe cries of shore.
Hope read from it’s book of stories, future tense
premises hatchling cavities in the barren trees of dim
winter nests. Continuum’s of it’s red feather in gray
quay, pressing in the wait, incendiaries of near summer
It’s finds us traveling it’s three mirrors, June Meredith
undressing, in the looking glass of face, how you made
love to her crystal image, smooth eyes observing hand
roses of erotic serenade. Mimes in present orgasm, have
moved away, but remainders now insist on countenance
ensuing another day.
When the night breeches we pace through paths that
lean away, we raise the backs of silver memory, and
there intemperate future pledges equivalent promise,
and every need knows to watch, how quickly the breasts
of Meredith began heaving.
Summery breezes minim, the bright white lace
of her bellows cap, a golden rim at her cup of
Rosa moschata. A pennyweight of spilled tea,
circles the trimming, of amending tilts of the
saucer, her once of hand and handle, less servile
in laughter.
We sip finger broken flavors, Mang Fei from
the wild arbor tree, four hundred grams pressed
into cake, savors white asparagus and bittersweet
plum, dried and rolled our peck of tongue.
Before the cane cloud assembled solitaire, the
even sky, Pu-erh spent its leaves in subtle
durations, pruning in brief epicureans, of mild,
warm water. somewhat like pears dripping the
porcelain cheek, what is liberal in her smile, finds
dilations in her Iris, latitudes she fills with
Noctivagant, trajet soft somnambulist, mincing
step in the juggle, fin tails of the visitant that
fairway traverse, her limbs devoid of amending
Peril at the ends of the willow, finery if herpet
saunter, though the streamers of nomads,
singers prevail at her fingertips.
Divagates swift, as the headlong flyers from
Tartar’s bow, shiver to half feathers, merciful
sojourns in triplicates, affix to greenwood,
burnished hems of kisses, billing Paradisaea,
or soft trapeze of Ptiloris.
Lavenite petite or movements ballerina, net by
grace, camera lucida, pipettes arabesque, round
the arrows of violet.
Neillo black circles, in her green field eyes, kew
red the evening skies she travels, in clothing cusps,
light transparent, English gardens, her prints
long metric, of Hidcote Hiant.
Millings through her slips of breezes, such wings
as tremor, her currents of heart, Iris x hollandica,
leaf she blade, to arch of earth or Anouk mirth
of course.
In particulars seriatim, abyss in ether’s scream,
as Circinae clutch, the sequined interstice, parsec
heavens, shall miss. Propria persona, the long
margins of embers in the static, least of items, the
small mite in the reels, the particle spread out in
over sight, squeeze the jotted woman, her virtuosi
Sporadic in gaunt soliloquy, bystander by shadow,
bleacher sprite, the wraiths of hole, they who fled
the waste of trumpets, refused to hear the shorelesx
speaking. Time’s expansionist to trilling crowds,
where the fortress band obscure, found vacuum, in
the plenum voice of scilicet, allay beloved audition
globes, her burnt offerings, exemplars chant!
Pendant wave at her chest, pale tunic lain over,
the aisle between her breasts, blind sails the said,
Eucharist in Geneva’s cloak, wisdom’s thirds of
Daniella. Campani’s eyepiece, extensions from the
mast, adit alb her reachers brass, lands cogent to
her guardians touch.
Damson cowl, lucid puce beyond the mists, islets
white as gardenias trellis, unlettered inchoate the
light summations miss, or missals neglect. Soft
practice, her fingers perching, rest upon her stomach,
the oscillations foibles of thrones, all the grand sires
of acres, the memory trees will mourn.
Panning the lace of fairway aprons, the forcing
bed of burning leaves, searching yaw cuffing
portion of her red slip.
Elevenses so tiffin, serving entremets of Lucullan
feast, spice scenting from flares, her heroine fires
of mantle rocks.
There was row of white steeds pulling cabriolets,
Vis-a-vis, she was not, neither fiacre or dray did
transport, gallant manes her visceral ousia.
By the angle of angels she came, hoist heights
emporium, four-o’clocks, offering her fragrant
hand, carriage desobligeant, stems thirsty.
Matter wave de Broglie, crest or trough, bight of
pendulum, as the pillars fall down. Loggan stones
oscillating in maelstrom, pant for sine riddles, the
earth weaker than water.
Ides lie flat to tablelands, those drown by campos,
what warblers who breathe, wide open to the
firth, leave the sudd for couloir, and pardon their
errors, to Barents sea.
Millstreams patterned to bourne, dreams of Forth,
sprinters run over the fountainheads, sweet cloth
left to Achilles. Forsaken brides of filigree, wistful
wrist lace fail, fingers unbound diamonds, succumb
the ends ardor, by freshlet.
Lingerie, oriel’s lead sodden, insets within the beautiful
heart, longing for the vessel silks, her palaces karma sutra,
exquisite landings, placid gently, through her figure.
The rains of expression, lay upon her pillow, tender is
the thirst before her, need futile in longing fingers of
seas, every irrigation that lines the cheek, know that
water can not be captured, such dreams in the folds.
Fetish visions find her mist, in imagery sections of
bonhomie glass, thought in a thousandth moon, so
touch her crescents. Concerts timing her buds for roses,
something Victorian italic, her night counts, Roman
numerals, in numbers lost counts.
Amie Saliba, archer in the blue sparks, clearing
pursuant, beautifully transparent crystal, violet
tuckings throughout the Grape wine, drinking!
Offerings lifting gentle vocations, heart and soft
organs behind her Karmakara leaf, whispers she
hums by the bowing strum, liquid wires, singing!
All to tryst, nuances I sense in her kisses lux of
Papingo arrows, rounds in her feather ends of
spinning popinjays, Kilwinning, flights birding!
The Gypsy moth nurses in nativities of ryegrass,
follower of Acanthus, beside the caravans of
stippling, stripes of crops. Nestling the crisp air,
in the fragrant, mild yellow flowers, of September
Holly blue butterflies, gasolier among it’s pleasures,
Myretoun, Loughrigg or Isabelle, turning to, the
tuffs of heather. Viceroys laying plain, to sort their
spears, in white vein cuts, through the milkweed,
field counts and countesses, that feed by summer,
sweet Mays of flosse.
Heedless Lethean, rote by knot the threads of
water, as if there were summons, what foreseen
mnemonic, of nepenthe on the river? Blank be
the bottom stones, or curls efface, it darns by
currents, the sparse expectancies of the amnesiacs.
Hands that take Shakespeare to verbatim, the
course of walls, weight as text must invariably
fall, to the nag of wrist. Stricken stories always
as truth will collapse, downward in the etched,
eidetic facts lowered nudge, as nautical drown
or read.
The passage leaf to sidebar, parings of bin ends,
back matters in quotation, crowning storm’s caste
signatures, fells of flowers resting douse, the dower’s
poems, sluice soak of blotters.
Scouter’s willow of the hundredth’s assembled, mix
affinity in shedding, the syncretic ends in parish
wards, of Magnus cloud and it’s integers water.
Full be the crying that wears away the cheek, the
overture cumulus, will vanish white in province
magistrates, before the governance of blue, or
fractions blush falter hue, where hardened pink
mourning pure, the virgins gathered.
Turnstiles in truth, willful fluting the paradox, as I
fin winds exculpatory, consigns settlements in toning
keys, roses searching the sorrow of gales.
Scribners of cramoisy, carnations swiveling through
the rounders rings Victrola, coronations dreaming
of Hansard fingers combing pale pink flora by tress.
This base needle lowered by head, oared over, bends
to her murrey chorale, unctions more brooking than
tabulations of cellos, mists of gray, hearths annatto.
Assert either frond, of stems Nori, the right by wave
ordered downward, the left to turnings grief. Sea
tangle, twisting Gris to Deo volente, sargassum or
Ulva recede.
Demurred waters malade imaginaire, tidbit the rind
of proxy, elegant pleasures of ordinations, water’s
sweet ironic, deviations of archaic assign, it’s leisurely
Kappaphycus alvareli var, sun until constant weight,
whites technique, sauna dried, conjures diving kelp to
green error, vivid ransoms expelling, ire ilk of tares.
Belleau wood, cinder in the feathers, carnal
dew of Icarus, sculptile shadows glyph the
amaranthine clay, the blood of orchids, in
Nabeshima ware.
Lyre-tailed nightjar, perhaps Tschudi’s, sung,
of March ice to the tarry sun, where is the fresh
chiaroscuro, tones, preen match by pulled chest,
auger aid light compliant, concealing pullets and
Forests in the hemming hedge, guard all the
pinioned knights of kraal, yenta silenced in
yards of sedge, interlopers where cocks of
quit, cringe talon trail, paling hedgerow’s as
first wing flies.
Inns brief breve, of brace or half, in burning grass
of Parnassus, green willow near the wheat, scintilla
dreaming in the flash phrase of auras. Sash windows
seated left of berms, heliotropes faithful in slur or
band of blankets, veld green apostles, of the Irish
Light tasks in flux of sojourn, vervain between sweet
briar, bryony and bluets, as to bough her limbs of
music, or russet, the gardens of appetites. Friable portal
that seed or vine, her levin lass twice, through canopies,
clearest voices of slipper flowers, and ragged robin stellar,
skyline’s, unburdened brisk, jay or blue.
Musteline falence, dele it’s winnowing hues, scoriae silver,
gone by the light, of scarified moons, burden cull of color.
Dull gimcrack intruding, zonulets Duce, occluding halo,
if Black Saladin ceased to rein!
How do I think beyond housebroken ideals, perfunctory
less officiating, tight masonry in muscles of imagination,
tarpaulin’s kepi of crown? Ignition in the shoulders, girdle
of amulets, epicycie in sextant, distractions prevaricating
the tilt of thought, my purple that can not come home!
Trysting plicate, efface at the bottom of bice, censure
in the cruor of crow’s feet, scribbling in her benches
sapphire, santon cynic of Diogenes.
Roulade her eyes in danger of escort, lazuli sighting
from it’s back, megrims inviolable, gathering ribbons
of regnant view, kingdoms will not enter.
Sevens in the blindfold, rouge kindred, her thirst for
fair-skinned seams, skeins between beset and felicity.
Nihilist hurrying ponceau, facta cutting scars of pen,
acute narratives as pupils thin, relics by pant of gates.
Augustation, hals where the hourglass confers by
neck, narrows in the silverware, describer in the bent
of a universe, isthmus tales told, in culinary manners.
Mid-table, are roses in the ghat, strictures polite sort
among the guests, desperate streets in the allervale of
hand, cervices lacing to pent, silver Surya, truest sister
of Lorelei.
Thieves in the Latin of cant, nonce words of crinolines,
Ido in the wedding chant, neoterize in jargons argot,
pen names in Anglicans, bruit gloves concealing, the
cold hands of, yes.
As clavier, the tree upright by stave, sharp support
leaning into the crutch of its broken branch, the fetch
of winds in semiquaver, breathing in seasickness, as
a toss, by burden, of uilleann pipes.
Uproots against the underlying, parts leafing green,
bard brown it’s bannister dying, canorous in the
whistle, tossing dances to flageolet, contrapuntal to
bracing operatic, intervals figures, Terpsichore steps.
Servitor yields of supple benignant, mirth to pursuivants
of bodily keys, trumpeters to pressings, carrier fingers of
forerunners, note.
Mnemosyne of sentiments, dispatch of gala, internuncio
of barometric prose or sleuth lenient, cadence, muscles
low back, sinew’s soft rote, through articulate hips.
Courier’s familiar in condign, crier’s envelope folding
inward, the heart of intelligencer, it’s waxen seal over
iris blood.
Memoriter, on bone tablets writ, retentive circling, of
golden mannerists, beautiful legates of emissary, angelic
digits middle bowing, seals of lover’s, centrist’s tight.
Quarter hour as water measures time, cleavage
clearing liters to farragoes, apportioned spread,
ballon, graceful limbs upon the pairing point, as
chimes ring twice, echoes reaching, Pas de trios.
Syngnathidae in Gordian knot, Porites, porites,
intrinsic imbroglio, mazes male, female, both of
birth, conceive or bear, our thousandth mean in
leaving, notes of expeditions, portions given, as?
Fieldfare calls for broadened leaf, Temminck’s stint,
for hides of shadows, ambient camouflage to matches
gris or shale. A caveat crease to bower ploy, the nest
of maiden instincts, mimicking the cordons, down birth
and breast sitting.
The cloud Segway, seeks to penetrate, the sodden
earth, to her most gregarious depths, she retains those
streams of path, insular intimacies held for a period,
her comport from the sun. The columns rachis, veld
campagna, wish for implicit singularities, in revolutions,
tedium’s of momentary earth.
Tief of wax, what is fragrant, low in the flesh of
gardenia, so it is, she is disrobing candles, par
warmth seeping, her beadwork facile, strand to
forming spherials, lithe fells, gathering collections,
Figurines she finds pre-saying, her orbiting planets,
shifting light, fascia in the idling, of her portraying
fingers. Sotto voce, less cantus firmus, verses hissing
gently, closing night, by nib of wick, or sections it is
whispering, parcel yes, piu’ mesto, sourd…
ladies singing.
Rest poor common, in context textures brown,
something of cowslip in the tan. White edges,
the tint of mulberry settling in the roan. Noting
shades, each of soil, trilling polychromatic, the
beading wards of feathers.
I lifted once, beauty from asphalt, light bands
and soft eyes, trembling pinions lessor lessons,
paradigms yielded instincts, ancient sentinels
from heaven taught.
Buff-collared nightjar, sweet crest by sage or
tuft, Berggarten or Purpurascens, sweet avian
carol, it’s garden floors, to seminal sanctuaries
tendering comfort, shielding shelters beneath,
milk green fasteners, of fragrant, ample leaf.
Say’s Phoebe, sing of swaddle songs, for those who
drey in cliffs of over hang. Sentient widow’s cleft of
sod or rash root veils, giving but pardons hand, black
roses, buried gloves.
Sora, hares through water, keeping the bolt of count,
salt tears, salt seas, every human breath, the waves
inhabit. Given tides, each sight, to it’s brief cup color,
flagons elder meaning, it is here, I pour mine, lazurite,
or amber, Celt green or brine.
Confiscating black umbrellas in the paladins,
capitative nodding the obeisance. The boughs
redolent cloy, the misappropriated curtsy of
acriform clouds, lout or bezels, the meager before
the audits rest.
Thrasonic thunder pealing, pale the fair skinned
throats of poets. Flushing stewards in suppress
seas, the water beyond, the lines of sand. Citations
wringing origins from the apologue, mythical
novus homo, leapt of glory taken, lithe from land.
Palming circle pyx, Sefer Torah of light,
ninth of Av, Tishah b’Av, winter eighths
of menorah, waxes downward sol of scars,
Druids or flamen, cruets fascia’s of flame,
votives furlong in the false linen shadows,
orchards swift movements, in those casting
figures, of illume shawls.
In the hours beneath, Fagus sylvatica,
‘Tortuosa’, are the varied tellings, of pellet,
kernel or seed, inherent silts of hearth missals,
Catholic, of the beads.
Twelve wired, bird of paradise, monstrantia
relics elaborate sate, ornate ornaments, I
requiem observant, excessive designations,
betroth to engrams of art, my sermons hail
by summons.
Crescent’s brimming beak of sacrament, black
friary feathers, enhance the pontifical scrolls,
tartrazine remiges, quinoline shapes of Payot,
leads dossier dozen, artifice sacraments, in arts,
I faith.
Elide brief be brusque, succinct cording in the
armatures, Herron’s handbreadth in carat bone
of Gunter’s chain, bare ellipsis, brunt or preen.
Phainopepla’s prelude perch, the pardon pound
of branches, patience plain the pitiless, puritans
black, white disciple, Proust or pride so seen.
Brown bister in the gray wood, reed’s almoner
baritone, where the Hawfinch rises, beyond the
Brambling, melanin’s flesh image, of estuarine
Tabula rasa walking black slate, in paucity and
absentia, fertile leaf falling without floor, to laden
in the droves missing. Pannier full, the kits of
fist, defects in knapweed and gnarled paper, the
godforsaken creel, fodder’s dampened grain,
seeded lines of sodden hopes.
A beautiful lady touring voids, golden husk beyond
her quilts, clean of mislaid barren, schematic’s russet
braids rest truant, her gap of curls. Jeroboam let the
tears, embroidered poppies take in, from the hand of
suffice, throughput steep above her wrist, kerchief of
diaspora, tiny square her cotton cuff, un-redeeming.
Tib’s eve, the extempore fifth season, of interval
and aperture, the clearance and headroom of space.
Auspicious parenthetical, idle time or never ending,
the surrounding algid cloak, warming the temporal.
Amadou, opportune tinder, the touchwood earth
clement warmth, for our breathing items of tiny
labor. Characters clay rub near, the lucid punk of
summer, shivering in interstice, by the long wreath
of elliptic, the sine die calends, interminableness.
Part pejorative, the trait embers, of the lemma
noble who speaks it’s life, in flash pendants of
womb and child. Incidentals of pinch fire or set
flame, thriver in the mummery of blue midnight.
Timorous celebrations ingenious, the sycophant
skip of briars, waltzing beyond and over, the
rimless grid of mausoleum. The sediment sound
that concierge the fiddler, and the silk ties that
slipper the conceptualist ideals, of surface.
The pewter tulip and the phonograph, needle of
the hummingbird beak, eighty two revolutions
in melodies of shellac, the Purple-throated Carib
Tin-foil cylinders, or cylinders of wax, twin pins,
one recording, the other playing forward, egress
tomes, pairing primers of amber bills, tympanum
of orchid wings drumming.
Brownstone and the recluse spider, autumn umber
the tobacco leaf, nullifidian in the wayfarer’s walk,
something nectarine in latent sunlight.
Feathers of Caffie fowl, tucking slate gray and
white lie, beneath the bark blanching, Chestnut
trees, auras that require dusting, alkali blench
from descendant branching.
Water-finder in the dowser of intuitive skin, senses
the rain gauges wringing sodden, as every color
before the Adam’s ale, will darken by damp.
Returning beneath the roofing and variegated
windows tinctorial, I pigment the the knit of
snow, that soon will lie, caution caught in fences
barbed wire.
Insular, winter’s truce of sound, armistice calming
the redundancies of doing, transilencies calumet,
the quiet thins of white.
Argentine silver, in paring the ice pieces, nick of lilies,
ghostly promenades abiding, midnight necklaces of
sapphire, bedim snows coming.
Phantasm’s tacit surveillance, ajar portals of the
fuglemen clouds, entrance quartermasters, blinkered’s
hoodwinking notches, of mollified moons.
Conjuring more solid illusions, from the magical
fallacies of cold estimations, the crestfallen frosts
of bluff or woebegone, peril charms, of childhood
Cure soul the benefice sun, vicars earth of trembling
bones. Clepsydras in the water time of run, non but
the mystic musician can chronometry. Beatify or less
grommet, the pause or speed, lift or lowering, the
golden Amherst, fetishes of dawn.
Delicate cooptations, in first fruit definitions, in
suffragette epiphanies, as lief, rejoicings from her
merits chest. Ambit in gatherings, of the pert hems
of space, tuck to breast their select stories, those
hymns forbad, where wiles debit, the symmetries
of the trace.
Am I walking the verge, flange or featheredge,
edifices of handiworks, or offspring impressions
derivative quay, in the moveables of time?
Disembogue, the variable beads, weakening
hiss or fizz in the ferment shaken, debouch in
strains poured forth, octad, utas, the ear twist.
Banishment’s emission, in gushes of feeling, if
issuing heart perspire, exile erasing the tissues
porous, fissures lonely tap, in the way rivers.
Despairing equivalent, in departures of ford,
filters of the immigrant, foreigner accrued in
secondary estates, groundsel endings of the
second self.
Blind mustard on errand, calling works of taste,
bias sobriquet in misterm of pseudo savory, falsifying
those twists of Fino lemon, to alloy strains of flavor,
in anamorphic caricatures, gained within the shade.
Satirical parodies dabble the mixed ideals, of turnip
too Tabasco, anointing bewildering announcements
of over state. Tinctures purposeful, to the gullible sum,
season additions of butter and salt, quell the qualms,
misfortunes mistrust.
Inertia, winter solstice and the dilemma of water,
scaffolding of premonitory cautions, when liquid
becomes land. Once the warm gesture impetuous,
left laud the hand, an the unwritten premise before
applause, is now but the frontispiece, the cogent
augur, in interesting sorceries, of the over hang.
It is as hatchlings of glass, from omen sands,
riddle in pestle stone’s, of minatory crimson
maturing! cultivation of the avant-courier in
construct convection. Summations rigid river,
or patination’s of heat, predetermined oracles,
alterations, both predator or priest.
Sjofn, natal sister of the personified moon, bare
born the Mare Humorum, asperges interest in
the sea of moisture. Feminine caesura in triune
of sepals, vigil shrive the braise crescent coming,
to triolets of theatre.
Ra’n prioress the fierce aspirations of the sea,
her bewildering spring, separating from gown,
the garments of June. Missals of the maidens
scrolls, unclasp their ides of anchorage, for
maturine figures, idyllic.
Forbearing Isabelline, wheatear of the family,
Muscicapidae, wot blaze of blue, in cleft notes
singing. Intuitions inside the mirrors artesian,
flights acumen, the pressures bequeathing tears.
Suffices in vinculum, songs in the fall of parish,
catechumens flying the purse of ween. Tacit faint
towards the white cloud, stride and standing, in
the baroque flora of Crocus Kosaninii, idling ere
sweet, the wrinkles of hillock, and leads meager.
As cirrus and sun apprise to wink, vanities of
light combustible, auspice romancing the wild
fire, innuendo impeccable, in curvatures of mention,
tidings ignitable, kindle infinite, those cues of cloak.
The warmth of suspension, as the vase of clouds
fill, in loving eavesdrops, conjugations between
sol, for sky. Endearments productive whisper,
impetuous impellers unbounded, announcing,
masteries buoyant trust, in boundless seminaries,
as unctions embracing, soft, immuring showers.
Appendices dalliance in eventides of valentines,
furthest intrigues in elevations of tenderest arc,
of consummates pampering fuchsia’s, ever eager
Coquettish, compositions finale, in every way
the roses bend.
To plighting the troth enraptured, storms vied
by girth of stem, embellishments of either court
or glance, affairs clerestory capitulations verse
beside the morning, each zealot within sensory,
teaching, budding it’s bliss.
Dereliction, abandoned, neglected leaf litter on
the chink chisels of lichen steps, unleveled bare
banisters, remunerations in remnants of forbad
color, places worn smooth and soft, once by hand.
Disjointing strains run the through mourning
drape, fractures of layman speak, of the broken,
missing stern and sternum, the willful injuries
of glass, showers of impingement, as visage deem.
What once gleamed of love or beauty, of the sun’s
ray of swords, flank headboard of ceremonial brass,
sounding yet, the daunting gris of tin, framing
bowers to middle, bedding redress, to brands of dust.
Vases of ruby glass dismissing upon the mantles,
emblem tender cedars, soft waltzed, once through the
fires, tissue ample in filaments, as embers stroked,
the face and flesh of roses, drier by watershed’s, sky
bound thirst left to choke, final tears of petal memory.
Ovid clearings in window’s frost, thaw from the candle,
pilferers of the gate wood, rummaging cold, breathing
through surrenders, the white flags of ribboned lips, and
shortened veins in the brow. Sheets of ice that bar the
doors, of the burning homes of February.
As waters freeze, northern, in forms of maidenhair ferns,
the forest washing bracts of Onoclea, throughly through
the damp glass, foehn glazing it’s surreal flowers. I scribe
milk lettering, warming discourse, the browning read of
papers, last friendship’s of my companion words.
Beyond the door, the rooms of advection frost, beautiful
etchings of mares’s tail, settling it’s noctilucent clouds
over the piano, guilds of lake radius mahogany. Spindrifts
of brisk brume or hoar, outline the rose’s purslane, of purple
Grams on the willow staircase, climbing cloudburst
towards the black domes, snow coating the stone walls,
liquid laces of fettered chill, frost on the sterling, icicles
bounded the wooden horse, the later equinox, barrow
bar it’s windier wish, home.
Graylings lavish near the mourning cloak, common farriers
of the embryos of Eustoma, or airborne wings of Echium,
carriers of the rudiments of May borne gardens, wisdom’s
blue aery of Daedalus, plait to cull or glean.
Benign begets, the light headed rose of Noisette, christening,
incubus after damp, the hybrid of adorned habits, the earthen
lea of tome. Weights of soil brightly summons, the memoirs
of habiliment, the pleasant leaf of victory, grown beyond the
Laic kenning the tarn, by seed of early autumn,
will unfasten in the spring, to find their roots
are nearest the loch, so it is of armozeen. The
lachrymose of still born winters, thin to crape,
deep mourners quicken, in requiems of nenia.
I ween then, amongst the letters, for fastenings
in suspirations intimate demerit, those cunning
tears, that dry to salt, burning the suffices of
the widow weeds. Literacies which murmur to
mimic, the wail of epicedium, that compliant in
the sounds of fire.
Libertine’s, purblind, insular, the clannish bewildering,
might faith the false clouds for fog. Monuments given
the prejudice of mountains, can be catachrestic parodies,
ample commissions, paratragedia of mists, steaming
misappropriated by blunder.
Satirical burletta, lovers who draw the deepest breath
soubriquet, widen wrest in falsehoods of Buddleja,
misrendered as hyacinth’s garbled ideal. The heart is,
beyond influence, it can not render provincial, the alias
ambiguities of malapropos, or err it’s hazes, wanting
Armistice, solipsist to the calumet, grams in tarnish,
the brass of the eye, galosh, the cheek in rains, intrude
to reach. The writhing of lament, capers the nettles
bent, in every position, soft spans valise, the bract of
yoke amends.
Incubus times, when the ephialtes of prey roil and
repeal, the hecklers of wisdom fault or fail, mishaps
in cloy, of Kalmia trembling. Something particular
to the daubs of habitat, chagrin more eager than
martyrdom, will feed sweetly.
Collectanea, cuttings and excepts, fugitive citations,
leafleting between the papers weight, compendia in
the flat coerces of reiterate books. In dividing niche
of trust, I prefer the greyhound in the lash, clippings
of lace gloves, parasol in hand. The partnership of
intercourse, taken in custodial, pressures across the
range of Cranesbill geraniums, to the turbulent tumults
of Cotoneaster, consigned in body politic. Vie in the
metaphysical, parallels besetting mercies of stimuli,
event wine in charters concluding Eucharist, requitals
of howbeit, lessen diminishing, the brides of spite,
Dimidiate, halving mite in the branches, cageling
sighs of the Blueberry finch, light de-airing lute!
Beginners in the clay, wishbone in the crotchets,
season where the middle leaves of Crocosmia are
flounders found to be leaving.
Along side or furthermore, the summoners of
inequities, the piquant motive of Zephyrous slip,
espousal notes of beleaguered ascent, halves in
cross-pollen of sorts. Amid the donations of
ardent love, hedge the chorale beside abreast,
desires false interjacent, heaving.
Commitant mournful among the cellos, what must
I become, to find stable love, rigid in core storms?
Accept the fact that I live at a higher, steeper grade
of emotions, built at the apex of frenzy, frustrated in
mayhem. Life in the lamp is maintenances for most,
some correlation of between flame and wick, mitigations
in oiling, that I am unable to access. The waters that
are unrelenting, capitulate in these eyes, I fall under
and beneath love, lost in the waves, as transitory,
fracturing mast, listing bilge from sail, I succumb
in seas no one can shallow, and searchers fail, at wish
of follow. In each of dreams, a dash blisters, truth
demanding the evidence of cuts, destinations are the
splinters, fragments skin of moons, left in gales
faithless wanders, crescent lights of crescendo, forever
in the dark.
Faultier frail in the poise, fine fingers in the chimes,
nomenclature in brasses of grail, where senses begin
to read, andAconitum is woven, through vespers
physical verdigris, her kiss of sunders.
Brevipennate, the briefs of widths spread, pollards
elided time. Rive in the breeches of tender cordovan,
that spatial part where the tearing cleuch the eyes,
rosebay mourning, lost caesura of grace.
Shillaber, buying the bonnets of light, nines of the
cross, increments of the shield, platen in the letter
press, that cursed before the priests, the burning of
interiors, where the candle has worn thin. All of
mock orange where the sun was spilt, gold bullion
in fields that have fled, carol only sorrel, in the gray
Vertigo in the stumbling forward of the Ginkgoes
leaf, fell faint to it’s curls, through the winds of
matron’s wing, fathoms pulp remembering furls.
Dreidl of the coppice, those grounds in turning,
the underling of green fronds, to it’s bases silver,
where the mizzel forms, the rondel of canopies, to
sight the veins, the mists enlarge.
Away from light, ceilings pressed in wax, private shadows,
scripture by locks, pintles or bobbins, margins in her wheeling
clouds, feedings of ghostly gulls. Flatness in depths, shunting,
elusive infatuations in grist of the game birds, hammer’s copper
to the nesting buckets.
Listening marionettes on hare’s head, as something backward
in white, trypan in red. The lengths of frozen clothes on the
rinds of aerator swans steaming, the leaks warrant of violets,
perse of breathing from the tea kettles. Her history read in
silver, strings of gosling feathers but tilt the crest of mist, weight
in the waters, weeping, three o’clock her eyes.
Speaking on paper, in upgrades of feminine thought,
of the coming revolution in grommet of flowers.
Elective thinking that self contains, kingdoms more
cotton, occupants or rulers, of eyelet archetypes.
Eloquence that names competitive equanimity, in
besting lifts of spirit, neither words, ballon and pin.
The rivalry of the individual, strivers yearning in
the crow’s-nest, sentinels loquacious in ascent.
Powerful derivatives of intellect, of non-warring
life, ladies academic, whose ideals do not fall down,
lounging beneath the muscles of men, but an active
acuity in the pious of the peace!
Safsaf willows scansorial, floating on ascensions,
beside the estuarine of reducing sea. Smaragdine,
sweet weft in sounding weather, the water in mount
glissades, of the upright horse.
Ibis waders creating false sapphires in currents of
isamine blue, restructuring white wings sequential,
adjourning it’s fluid orbs of pearls. Summer’s Mitis
green, reassess what is porous beyond the dreams,
structures verdet in the holly, patinate in the seams.
Oracle of the niello nightingales, capes of bayberry
mourn to dark sylvan, cello winds through the
laden branches of Larches, as downcast carols of
false summations, condescend. Littering wings of
the Elf owls, providing feathers, to carriage the
soft fall of her terrestrial tears.
Anima’s slight fingers coursing strings along her
silver ascot, humming, her chorus of why, motions
questioning, the empathetic countess, ethereal where.
Eternalness, forever beginning, she is but the winding
truss of first springs, sojourn in asserts singing, soft
gabled snows, in leafless bodies winter.
She trained to Archipelagos, as insular as the occupant
view, brine in seagrit, unique summations in shoals stride,
capricious in caressing the manatee grass. Hers was the
variable wave, of how we move when tickled, neither the
timeserver of hesitancy, nor plater of compromise.
Salient lucidities green islandress, somatic beyond the
commonwealth, bare faced rosettes of unknown or
uncommon rosaries, imagery that milked conspicuous
daylight. Freedoms beyond nuptials of benediction, her
hymenal right flaunting latter records of confarreation,
goodwife striking without alter. Elegant and audacious
intellect, speaking first bud, carte sur table, civic desires
beneath the watercress, spacious patent, the earthen
offices of naturalists.
Less garment in the rush, faint daughter, of Queen
Anne’s lace, amendable kiss of Persephassa, slim
diminutive lost within the millet. Offering’s of her
will, white cup to gregarious mint, everything of
brilliant emeralds, in corsets clutch.
Flavor in the envy, readings of chervil, between the
chicory and the plum. Winter-creeper nearest yellow
root, vintager’s namesake in sisal of sibling quarrel,
query, why are your savor, as some thistle? One is
the simple quest, mere hostess pleasures.
Volte-face the earth rebounder, rota in the stars
of candlemas, mal du pays, the moon burning,
clearing in the shire, cantons in the garth. Leap
year in the thwart, gainsay the galaxies born,
empires of silver in the sovereign of sonnets,
Abell’s two seven four four. Blushing mantel
stammer rubicund, waning to countermarch,
your drop astern, in seas of double wheel,
expansionists thinking in minor mirrors orbit,
as the monocle of the universe, widens to it’s
looking glass.
There are those who scuff the joy from the citron leaf,
contrarians who number and grade the ambergris for
corollaries of subordinate scent. What commandment
is selected and cut from the garden gate, is sized for
drama, to wilt in tarnished silver, reciprocals of neglect.
What is the minutiae we call hope, in the tiny homes
of newborn rabbits, a question I dip in the baby’s
bath? Tepid rise the salt from the earthen places a
child grieves, cisterns fill to pace of tears, as reality
breaks the beautiful, breathing windowpanes, as the
feather’s touch, slicing through light.
Twin window latches, gazetteers acquaint, most types
of Gillenia, as pairing hearts appraise the light. In
those glances between the admonitions, the greenskeepers
of the life flowers confide, duets of white, all love sees
through, portraits widespread behind the glass.
In the certain shape of the pianists hands, the brass
hasps are opened, the snecks unsecured, letting ample,
the sophistry of parasol flame, impart stable cues in
curls the sun impress. It is the adroit of naive summers,
carols of Rosaceae, phosphorescent, noons of lambent
Kinkozan wave, kamsin wind naming the lift of clay,
what is mortal Liana at stay, the cadence of arabesque
complexions moving, in first flinches arousal. Thirty
two fouettés en tournant, trembling to the crown stripe,
the ordering of fluid narratives of aurora borealis.
Gliders of the array, where the Whimbrel plié to water,
the more demanding chasse’ of sun or Polaris, will of
wiles, as the whistle splays the tongue. Satin in the hard
bill, subtle sanctums below in lines that crest begun, of
grayer marshes ardor, between mignonette and violet.
Crease in the sky of sea, dirk lightening priest the silvan,
wring out decamping cloud, mere everlasting, hegira,
through, the flood of moon phases. Heraclitus spilling
thought, by hawks of Harlan’s race, tempests quest
tender, a single leaf assuming, vernal entry beneath the
cork jacket.
The embarrassing hopes of corrigenda, buncombe in
the eluding splash, armozeen crumpled by storms tight
belt. The tidal tip of cotyledon, is said to have crushed,
in the rushed breech from the hail, ice varlet the barley
by the midnight gale, paladin unraveled from bunch,
mounts to stand.
Memory is skin and bone, transient keeper walking the
concourse of it’s house, a scrivener in the atom of details.
Time being more breathable, in mechanisms between the
main wheel and escape wheel, in muscles these given clocks.
Integers integral in keepsakes of thought, intonations of
equivalent feelings, or homes believed forgiven, remain.
Relevance enumerates, clairvoyant in tissue’s testimony,
reconstructions pea-soup through physical pain, exacting
precise nuances six by aught.
Recollection is an accessible current, a mnemonic diary
each of us contain. All the barriers we wall in, will be
made naked, despite our efforts to resist. The minutiae
in calendars of distance charades, preemptions of will,
efforts assuaged, we are written within, phenomenal skills.
Engravings of minutes, eternal casts of mortar, in form or
making, of clockwork stories, the mind is reproducing,
the body rebirthing, our orient of exact hours.
Vagrant in Alaska, distinguished from the Sprague’s
by voice and by streak-less back, the Pechora pipits,
terse the fields on tseep. With fine lines above the eyes,
it notes from the edges, Hachijo kan suge sedge, yields
of consideration, for configurations chaos, of the winds.
A variant songs of paler ear patch, the Melodious
grassquit softly warbles, warming tongues of chibiri-
wichii, yellow collar besetting it’s subtle lunge of throat.
Royal in it’s wing bars, it pleasures full the brambles
or the grass seed, softly breaking instincts silken sinews.
Sages exceeding, the morality which is touch, mind
cultures radical march of intellect, in ideas of sexual
benevolence, the faithful egalitarians of cultivations
reestablishment, of nobilities, in equal means of love.
Corrigible custodians of acuity’s sensuous, not by
mattresses of Iscariot, but strong quorums facile
disarming, two of Townsend’s solitaire. Impress
of the susceptible, engraving sensitive perceptions,
moving reforms of emendation, pairs in foster of
Perianth structure, Magnolia warbles even refrain.
Calefy in needfires incandesce, sultry Isles empyrean,
such celsitude, dune meridian’s hummock, soft eyes by
sheets of light. The Partlet befriending it’s ameliorate
wing, as exclusivities that follow the dulcimers through,
her bearing flame.
Ingle lambent, apical light, exaltations fell couchant,
reclining prone, accumbent prose in burnished nights.
Touching disciples follow aural, hearts mid-ground in
hearing, to mend in cure the ungovernable sounds, in
guide to fore, her heading songs.
Tamping silence, quavering oscillations in misguided
nonesuch, of morning haste, belle to rush, of the femal
monarch, adducing brisk the foray hour, to fracas brusk.
Cloudburst beneath the garment, all banner in paling
paces enfilade, fretting cavil, this peace of dawn.
N’er a flinch through steeplechase, before the dew is
gone, impounding to fitted mathesis, a dose of green
glens wide. What gashing of shuffle self, is scraping
canaille citations through the crocus, insurgent piquant
before sight, queen consort, is conquered by flight?
Buoyant bursts bountiful, the beautiful boundaries of
Iris x hollandica, in bolstering the engagement between,
garden bearded Juno and Indicia. Brooking spring’s
svelte soft swag, to first magenta, for amorous sun has
assumed by greengages, it’s sanguine initial, the lea by
mid-morning date.
The blue bottle fly, beryls more gullible holly, something
damascene in the story, sizing moons, if no greater than
pearl, pruning Cat-berry and Dahoon to smaller faiths.
The shadows laughing beyond the long horn Salvastra,
holograms proof, of fleet digging bees.
Namaqua Dove, Godling when the rope is done,
the green sprig trembling remains, beyond rigors
tongue, leaf of graywacke forbidding song. Spirit
of red clover, left hard ground, to vessel jib wings
or gennaker, it’s divesting globes of warming sun.
Colleagues of Neptune and Devine squires flee,
from the cruel crypts of Caryatids, linen cords
where fury forces love to flee wicked men. From
where they quickened, they harkened to heel, a
child away from the home of fire. Onus to the
guardians she flies and settles, when strong hosts
sleep, laying but beside quiet hands evergreen,
let to hearts where she recognizes, something of
aubergine in earthen chests, hearts yet to beauty
The quiescent sun beside Emily, the occulting light,
portending hue to carry, in moving wink of oaks,
niche ponceau, patinate, the faint pink of idle cheeks,
the closing of Carcel lamps, on her contemplative life.
Emily hears in chrysophenin yellow shadows, ofttimes,
quorums the dandelions speak, vivid carols to beckon,
wrestlers in fondle breezes, their feint wishes to settle,
in the constrictive custos of tea roses, late leaf left open.
Felled tree leads on drake-stone, it’s Gilliard dry bone,
playa in the salt pan, Weald want it’s reaching wish,
holy water. The last priest of the head winds tarnish,
silver leaf to nickel foil, sash and robe, off of soundings.
Followers in the mercantile, turn upon people twists,
in cubic lattice, lead glance, hard sheet dusts Galena.
Ingots ironing creaseless nickel, satin Monel metals,
haystacks of galaxies, passengers skies, our bodies be,
bells of sling-stone tries, our brass tails weeping.
Her pyre fume to begin, the burning of roses, eager,
to a height beyond my hands, tempests to lackluster,
singe tears before they’re char, praying to cold life,
her petals dried blush, angels of white caps wonder,
what tin… this time?
Steam to it’s hiss, spit in the eye of indifference,
boil the money of exploitation’s cream cross,
you lathering wallets, whose business thrives,
in pearling away the gasping breath, of millennia.
She in her nest, that in it’s seed, castration’s living,
beautiful, embodied art, decorate in dead paintings,
artifacts of real entities you compromise, fictional,
autocrats, cross pollinating, more grease than rats.
I speak for the dirt, may it cough in your face,
the dinner’s you thieve, consume own, toxic carafe,
let bullfrogs and birds curse you in their prayers,
futile employees of next meal, I bee strung, rage.