Angelus beseech to keep mercies pliant, infinite in Verdic hymn,
first heaven among sevenths, intercessions joined to co-walking,
soft prayer logos, psalmodic paths of flame bidders touching call,
along the bead-roll infinite, for the freshest hearts by eternal last.
Cherish oreads or sweet over-souls, to the Paraclete of clemency,
to kind the earthists oust as Oussant sheep, canting hypocrites,
as panthera bale, polypay or Dorset horn, deep within the wail,
tilt to taste Verbena in failing, the tenderness we breech, faint ail,
our cold Transvaal lions, in bearring blame of capes.
Sandbar, first water of nonesuch, Cygnet gamma in the weaver’s wave,
desiderata by farthing candles, fire thorn’s premeditations, fancier flame.
Cacoethe‘s dew, name the dawn, which burns immodest, appetence
of doubling forms, votive and votaries, embracing luxuriant same,
vapourers in met, mild light.
Argent and sable, the Ermine moths, hunger for luminaries, Alcyone,
or Electra, wait the curious wings, horme of the twenty plume moths,
purple-bordered-gold, alight by sight, engagement, copious beneath,
the lectern lamps, bending penchants to the bias spires of wistful eyes,
bordered gothic in catch kingdoms, shadow or sheer, shedir, epsilon.
Presumptions hardwood, the tree of Babel, towers,
the lady of topiary singing through its wind whisper,
to a sapling born before her hour, she grands above,
permissions that limb reached, softwood music bowers.
Hyperion or Shorea, what ever the trunk be, excelsior,
lay its wood in nativities before the naves of field, fill,
she breaths same air as Doerner Fir make, us inhale,
but in her chest seas birth catamarans, jades returning,
elder eyes, white oar left. Chant Rosa, Nyssa sylvatica var,
give hum blue bee ornaments, her ito songs long leaf let.