Gasconading pride, Piste of the Purple Caribs,
this, and the Hyacinth Visorbeaer,
coule’ or ceding parry,
hectoring lampions imperial,
riposte rouges of unblushing flight,
swashbucklers of mid air,
lame’ picayune, false sparring of expertise,
éclat of feathered bacchanalia.
Feint flèche guardsmen asserting, down females,
in flaunting Cimmerian quests,
Mellisuga helenae, Metallura Phoebe
Amethyst-throated mountaingems,
foil, fain or epee,
parleying tempest trysts of quintet,
the broad eyed dawn adoring,
luminous, clever rapscallions,
and I the chosen guest.
Fugue of territories, Electra and the memory trace,
the walk to the pillows from the bollix of place,
marathons over aroused, marcescense in loss of tone,
to locate the hawk which wears the brow of peace,
imago of meliorist hope, objects libidinal.
Fabian in stimulating utopia, or melancholy in the
muscles of Pavlov’s requitable terrier's, questioning
if the reformed sky is truly legible, remit of lightening,
palatinate it’s due congress of heat, enough that the
sun will envy, the lancer less effete.
Similitude’s of dereistic compromise, tri-ped bursts
of comparisons, between the habitual and the fleet,
prudences in coalescences infatuated frictions, scribe
to leap, if gold is briefer than the leaf, in summoners
session, which is central to spring or sunder?
Feminine grass figure, present in the crease of stone,
marionette for the horned lizards of sharp rock, arabesque
in sea breezes, plaited waves of June.
Alfilaria combing the rhythms, wreaths of seaweed for
borage, opportune of wild regents, Green laver, Chlorella,
for the sons of symplocos.
She is abreast the Lieder singer, fortnight waits, hapless
carols in lad winds joint trovatore, scatterings come truant,
reeds Bouteloua Gracilis, Bouteloua Curtipendula.
Compliant those movements, soft redress the loft clouds
of raging river, empress earth in theatres burlesque, capricious
circuitries, sensual Segway, compendium’s fields of the
millionth seed, sedge and blue gamma, entice, enchant.
Miscellanea, florilegium, violet bibs of Oasis hummingbirds,
cloth of zine, letterheads of portent prayer, will you find
rib beyond the poison, so little to eat?
The Apothecary cloud is not coming, the subeditors river,
fails to scroll, the codex of it’s Aldine books, beautiful
antiquities of billet doux.
Fortnightly creatures of the inkstained wretch, tales the
night blind render, devaloka or Hlithskjalf, devouring the
timeless Bowers of Bliss, fields of Aalu.
Slipcases of numbers, self serving industries of Cyclops’s
the breath of Polytminae or the oxygen of Cedar, do not
spire bellicose, monetary dreams of paper!
Onomasticons of the atlas are angry, Ana must spare
the Gypsy moth and field mouse, stringer for the rainforests,
a populous of indigenous indulgence. must feint the empty
earth of fly leaf widows, errata is numbering!
Clairobscure the dawn of matte finish,
fogbow to the lantern fly,
finniff cloud of five crowns, subtle whilom,
the somber light of Merry Widow,
tufted glint on the brow occasionally cirrus.
Continue with caution as Clotho in the wraiths
of wooled shoe, rote the land of
scale, crushing the gray orchid, Vanda tessellata,
mournful list wherein, the cites appendix ii,
the powerful city of rain, girth of winds passing by.
I wanted to re-timber, orcharding, I
longed for viticulture and hoped
for market gardening, I had eaten of the dry
orange far to long, thinnest Kinnow and Ponkan,
storms this wine for barton, met or merit wet agrarian,
damp demesne, this fall river home!
A designation, a tabbing, comes a name,
if I populate in aubergine,
crimson moniker, will the preengage endure,
accedence in the plaster,
grist in the palatines, where the olibanum begins?
Fraternal broach of phratria, cabal of the
walking stick, on the gangplank
of the catamaran leaf, to craft the boats of
golden rain, myrmidon
of symmetry, scarab id indulgent fraternities.
Jostle with the hares, for from the ground,
a new tooth is coming, dental
all the canines of the circulating table and the
rusk of rounding plate, take the chives
from the meadow, for there is arsenic in the greens!
Time of spirit, when the fauna passes through the trees,
chronos found of gentling hours,
when the Alantides feel breast the reef,
treatises of Sappenwood and the green anole,
as the solicitors solitudes, join the belonging joy
in trillions of the emergent one.
The fools in alter crop of divergent hour, will chime,
beset the bitter millenniums,
when the dove bares born likeness,
that barren of hate,
the substantial of lion and lamb will mate,
the congress of eternal, ecstasy will inherit,
all providences in bestow of pain.
I will find you well when the pica amends the cloak,
when all baroque volumes are read,
what the Airedales of messenger transcribe,
of the Oryx of the reefs,
and sight sees the unknown colors, join with me,
be near to me in exhibit, chorus of billions,
what euphoria of sounding be,
what I hold of you singing,
I will vine to your breath,
ardent, eternal epiphanies.
Quitclaim the roses, Fruhlingsgold,
cessions bereft blemish in the practices of light, I pled before
Sceptre’d islets, the courses of water, clement in
her eyes.
Figurines of Felicite Parmentier, the fragrance of
yes, sachets of immure, unbroken skin, certain hearts
of morning, before the paling of the greener lawns
for Osiria.
Shrift to perishing, the comely coming of different
habitat, of Alstroemeria ligtu Frances, this tuber
in burial of flowers, fells fleet from paradigms, her
passions A psittacina.
Effaced, obliterated, the Lethean preambles, here in the babble
of missing rooms, I carry a few stars in kerchief, those I could
find in the tunnels of night. sublimations of nepenthe.
I was a sprite for the trees, before I met the fog, prefigurative
the auger’s branch, forewarnings of Cumaean Sybil, Oak of
Dodona, fortunate auspices, though Lethe waters rise.
Tactile amnesia rosemary the broken bones, Thunderbird took
tape memories to Mnemosyne, for the fantasies of quixotic
muscle, trance of stippled ribbons for the wounds.
I have made Erewhon of thorough imagination, of promontories
I do not recall, I Wicklow lands over none at all, mezzanines I cannot
excavate, yet what pike should commit to dredging shadows?
Crowd of draperies, I too am public,
all the eyes Inverness,
prescribed view,
sartorial vestments,
disingenuous string lettering,
myopic blink of Frere’s type,
who beyond the Optacon?
May I find you, by hand lens,
by intimate spectatrix,
Belvedere beside dust,
I pace endlessly,
only covers of sealing books,
blindfold read to me,
kiss me inside, by word,
give me snow blind papers!
I have known Cecity, rayless night,
cuts of harsh glass,
abrade vacant votary.
I dream of entry, cogent visors
of opera glass,
oft sweet grandstand skin,
to reconnoiter the heart of descry sea,
to feel more principally.
the facets clearer Eros moon!
Tracing our caveats of passage through kinesis winter,
in brevet snow our step of pi, to the pressing names it
had given, Jinnish and Jui so tir.
Latter meaning this divide of stars, Jinnish bequeathed
as soft facets, compeers of the hexad edge, this transition
nears the sno-ish tongue,*¥€ so drad. Each is a grave
flower reclining, fallen spirits of the north.
Chorus winds of Snaer, voices braid Gaoth, notes of
Champaign tidings, caithnin sneachta, there of frozen
breath, tree of each gifting greet songs of gelid oratory.
Malanargia larrissa in olive groves ltrana,
O to drink of grapes Tsipouro,
Olyras Crathis wraiths nearby,
the bourbon truffle iris,
wings of Agraulis vanillae.
fritillaries unbound ring of nectar,
Eueides Isabella.
Istria’s Iphiclides podalirius, swallowtail,
the Papilio thoas, courtesans
of bridge flowers,
of the Tambopata river,
Euphydryas editha
drink early frankincense,
of Christmas frost.
Menelaus blue morpho, Vanessa Cardui,
dear the tap house, Mentha longifolia
raising the sugars of laburnum,
to heights above the
chocolate mints of cacao trees,
Pharos Sunday,
Callisto Herophile,
Hubner’s glad-eye dreaming.