Nines of bijugating roses, Rosa majalis, Ghislainede
de Feligonde, the metropolis of lovers, the townships
of skin, skies of faces.
Towering tourelle, the draining of candles, the populous
of wreaths, vimana, circuitous faces, narmonizing marquis
of preserving sighs.
Hamlets gathering the strings of hearts, Archiduc Joseph,
Jill’s rose of Soupert et Notting, where in the crowning
crowds is the bise of carpets coral?
Todai-ji, Joya No Kane, windius unseat the
voice, bellings of locomotion, the propinquities
of evil, 108.
Dotaka, dragonfly and water lizard, a woman
pounding mortar, postures within the riddle.
the figure within the tool.
Chiron-in, Hokoji, popinquity fore so, ethos of
the climbing flower, the ulterior lunation of sound,
trembling bronze of sun rays.
Joy mater, gardeners of the beset night, the tone
of double corposant, crotal bells of Myosin-ji,
nomadic Sirens of wings mercurial.
A fugue in G, heirloom voices through chartreuse
of Gallica’s, melisma’s the women of pink, organs of
Midmer-Losh, the liturgical light Gregorian, a fourth
below the silent window sills.
Passages pendant through the escheat, cernuous
flowers of the deodand, quiet forfeitures praemunire,
in Magdalen penance of peace, cry peccavi, voices
in pendeloque’s of scion.
Rue in the conscience of the leaf, flues of gaslier,
recantations upon the silks, felicities in the quittance
of grace, reds of pere, the committees of cosmos
in synod of vestries.
Penciling the sprightliness, to sable the phases
of the moon, night wings of the Vestal, flights
of Oak Lutestrings and the Lesser treble bar,
are the Drinker moths and Weaver’s wave.
Co. Tuberose, Abyssinian Gladiolus, aureole
flowers of midnight, find the whereas wings
of Argent and Sable, the cloak of Setaceous
Hebrew Character, in Altas’s of Heuchera.
The flight of Mulleins through the floral cities
of May Casa, bring the wings of jocularity to
the convivial scents of Night Phlox, Lymantria
dispar, and to the Bella of coruscate Annulets.
A bandog is in the White House,
a ptyalize, a slaver of speech,
a sanitarium is made of our capital,
Belial or Manichaen, false sates
in the glut of Christ!
Dictums in guillotine, feed bonne bouche
the measured mount of the magnificence
spirit, those of scapegrace,
wild stars of Mephisto, Auld Clottie
in reference of the cloven foot!
9Dais clouds, gavels of the wool sack,
the ducking stool or Father of lies,
flavor hellborn the beacon and the dome.
Nectareous where is the indemnification
where suffice light nectars home?
The cache of patrician, would build her secrete of
birds, veil upon the thoroughfares of heights, warming
estoppels against the coarctations of winter, marplot
of mirth and embruing of impedimenta.
There would be no false sculpture in meddlesome
of her impairments, nor sepulcher of priesthoods in
prophylactic of implements, as the interloper of
chroniclers discontent, her cover of sparrows.
In pantheon her Ismail of feathers, up-hoisting
Partlets of her sighs, casque or sallet in amelioration
such sabbatarians of height, aria in ariels empyrean,
fervid flames of tepefy, sultry scintillations febrile.
Aloe Oik, Aloe Ajr, aiqullete, filling leaves
in masnad of soil, the purple reed in Santon
swain, paladin as salaam, the mountains fell.
Euphorbia infaustia, Idria columaris, held
by anchoret of diadem, the Hebraist scholar
of Margareth, in swift habits of Gamaliel.
Time to see the Aloe marlothia, beyond the
Aloe doran black, savants of palladium’s yet
standing, Graecist scholars of tincture’s trees.
In transitu, whence of Argal, from psalteriums,
from her marrow fortresses of quay, spoken bruits of
latch-less thoughts and dorsum faiths of exit, her
syllogistic germane.
Scut of hares, Kyathoi of tears, crypterthsia or
quileless white, Ouija acquisition’s from her board
of clouds, dorsum calm nape of occiput, in the
diction of her remainder's.
Culinary fires or sequesters of portemonnaie, errors
of salver, to the nape of burns, enfant perdu soft upon
reddendum clause, remnants of dudeen flame,
planchettes of trace writings, but nos a stain.
I will vet all the food that enters me, by absinthe
or by Colossus, this of syllabi’s should saffron or
challis assert, what incandescence is truth, firstly
certain that liquids stammer.
Insight being squeamish, fractals deliberative as
facts are mastications of positioning dreams, soft palette
indices by way of Syrah, buy campaigns Sangiovese
or Carignan.
Our campaigns are hard bread, of disingenuous age,
cupboards in trusses of magicians, therein’s the allspices
supine towards their ancient academies terse or trust,
if might or merit tissue the peach.
I will search the cures in summaries of salt flats,
abscissa in holy monuments of journeys, how I nuance
juggernauts between the sweet beets or Fleur De Sel,
such voracities of Orenthal.
Somnolent of the wire and the terse of Yushan thistle,
raceme which runs through the marsh, Cirsium rivulare
lairy under. For in aught recline the spikenard opines
the skin to quarrels, time among the ancestors wields
the wounds of thorn. The cashmere of thought, becomes
taught in renditions of the bracken, the dawn candle is
rewoven by the hirsute of the clouds, nomenclatures for
C. nutans and bound Cardoon. The fury inside does not
match the fictive of the nome, the capitulary arguments
of pea green and the acetylene of indignant grasses, the
accolades first of May, when I rebound, per idols, my
summer house.
I noticed quickly her landscape had changed,
Peti Lau’s confidences rescinding in moieties whisper,
skinful denouements, a twig of eye in the bole of
Speculations insufficient to her brow, a freight
like feature in lade of shoulders, finis for the columbine,
violet partitioners in the subbranches of pride,
a yoke mouldering in conjugate.
The summer reeds of cabalist, the epos grasses
of sestina, clerihew the lemon groves of our knotting
gardens, graft scions of the sundial rose, brassica
the crowns of yellow edge had fallen.
A totem of ring days,
our numbers the circularities of sun,
cylindric rotation,
articulations beginning,
circumferences closing the speech
of mourning doves,
spirits of ophicleide,
musique a` vent, en cuivre.
Three cuttings of Night Phlox,
anomalous scents in derivative forms,
flower fleshes
piqued of nascent honey,
the floundering of fragrance,
which may not have slept,
by oratorios of oval orbits,
Elle’s est belle, ils sont beaux.
White stationeries of routine,
soft statisticians for banns of pause,
journey the nights of petiole,
commencements as the rhizomes pace,
curry impatiens for the dulce,
penitences wandering from formations,
supine to pleasance,
couronne ou rose de syme’tries.
Intimate seas remit, guerdon or laurels,
Ceriths pardoned without regret,
forsaken staircase of the winding curls of
theWentletrap, like the umbo of Cardita,
the final banns of water leave residencies
upon the shore.
Parchment lists of lovers the paper fig
shells kept calendar, Junonia shells,
Elegant Dosinia, Augers be and Channeled
whelks, Tulip, Tun and Natica, Tellins before
the adverse moon failed to Pell, watched
therefore the stone of contempt.
Lettered Olice, the weeping Sunray’s
of Venus, dearth the flanges of Rose murex,
course the wake through Gim and Arame,
largesse letters of Murex florifer dilectus
to midwifery, where nearest the fair hand
of cradle, shall breast quiet the tempest.
Pectoral cabaret of the Black Francolin,
Aleutian waters turning, feather’s liquid flight,
I was entered by the congress of prayers.
Kalanchoe, Sedum, Demi-Deuil irises,
passed through the transoms of summit, I
gave way no deportment, loving the breech.
Flageolet, thus the self centered stones, I
for the Green Nanday, repose from the artisan
of name, weft in the sacraments Pomarine Jaegers.
Echeveria of libertine, we are the summit door,
though the visage of vireos in the Irises of Daphne,
Rosalind the key, ask therefore, questions of the hinge,
brown burgundy in the Henslow of light.