Aquarists swimmers, flexion motions Rose Dore,
fluid emotions in Thunniforms of crescent fins, hearts
in ascendant assignations or sates of Scarlet Lake.
Not as the codices or rivet stems, Countcoffe lavender,
or under-water of Davy’s grey, her last of thin brushes,
Luke branches, grief of Quinacridone violet.
From the thus of Smalt seas, Phthalo turquoise as
suffer come up for air, lateral love augment false this leaf
in her river rushes, Capital Mortuum Violet.
Sulids song from the Floratam,
Sanderlings serenades from the sea grass,
from the reed splines, tomes of splendid reminiscers
gamelan orchestras of Pomarine jaegers.
Custos breve half rest of clouds, ottava
wings of passage, Ash split songs of cane or
chantress, soft diesis of Akepa, tercet orange mediant
melodies, Dorian blues of presa hosts.
Bouteloua or lovegrasses, Coix lacryma-jobi,
Oriels of Oryza humming, leitmotivs of soft strains,
inland winds among the Teff, patina songs of lemongrass,
yellow Sordo from sweet Saccharum.
Bohn the illustrations of light, bright birds
of morning mezzanine, periodic oratress among
the kittiwakes, pittites of flowers, breezes of Eng.
theatre, golden tortoises intramural light’s
Might I here, a copper intermission?
Lowering candles to the sequins of horizon ,
breast of evening, intercession as flames dismast,
wreaths refulgent lain to ground, requiescat in pace,
the shadows leave in silent chiaroscuro,
Might I here, oil of floating lanterns?
The hour transposes, trespasses of Somerset,
foresight of mature season, clarets resurgent
compline to chersonese, morning’s ruby whisperings
of Myrana, patois of Lepistemon, Mary of olives,
new labor.
Tea’s -
Darjeeling Margaret’s Hope,
Yin Zhenceleste,
darling Karas Choat,
caressing certain pressures
of fingertips,
delights to elicit,
dampened sighs from porcelain.
A morsel dropped, of Pu-erh,
raising pitch,
in premise of leaf,
both vegetal and vanilla notes,
and perhaps dark dragons,
in delightful delicacies
of floral temperament.
There is a stone with a ring bore,
aligning center table,
her morning portion
fresh by air,
of Kiptagich Purple oolong,
offering mineral
and artichoke notes,
tomorrow dark liquor
in tomes of leather and undergrowth,
Kukicha Stemgreen,
her way of finding earth,
per tear, craft swelters atone.
Breeding consciousness
among us, cultivars and comets,
the awareness of flax,
writings of the Mangroves,
the receding joy of dolphins
galas of dorsal fin.
Houses of the weaver bird,
architects of Madonna,
loss of turgor in touching stimulus,
leaving waters of Mimosa Pudica,
the ancient fingers prints of Sequoias.
Sentimentality of Keta Salmon,
for their birthplace,
the migrations of latitudes,
by Sternidae and Red Phalaropes,
dances of Parotia,
aviators of the Violetears,
endless gallantries of visceral procreation.
Counsel free choir Emily, mornings glories
have opened, and your glove puppet is making
kite strings, tether glee fight!
Soft of Eye splices and Prusik knots, Emily,
form the Rigid-Heddle looms, from Inkle, I
will unbraid your hair or burden thought.
From the cordgrass and spiked Ravenna,
Emily, your chrysalis in Purple millet, in dine days
I find you, early violets without aspic.
To warming May, your child stone Emily,
tears dissipate quickly, quiet seed in Adam’s apples
of carry Crows, as Kaiser-i-Hind purpose there.
I looked through her eyes of lonely buildings,
entrances of Sorghum trees through the broken glass,
torn wallpaper Petrouchka Flock, wrinkled birdsongs
fluttering from the tears of Faversham Moss.
Murmuring due, the broken forays, a velvet pattern
christened Brer Rabbit, wainscoting bleeding
the blood rain of years, a frail tone which blanched from
heart, less pallid assertions present in her dress of ivory.
From scaffolds contrite of fallen shelves, expenditures
Elizabethan, where in amber her pace, the Sycamore’s
grew sullen, pessimism in her threads of brambles,
buttons of Oakum hooks, in bare redress her collar bones
did forge ample, posterns of frail chest.
A mural of Peltogyne,
painters of unripened reseda,
natives of amaranth,
reticulations of plaster,
brought a beautiful fidelity
to the nescience woods
of Purple Heart.
Numeracies in gnosis of leaves,
sophistries of the unlettered artist,
lines in foresight of acuity,
remaindered time,
in delicate, warm distortions,
misnomers of textures,
tender discordances of highlights,
tyro days, of expatriate elders.
Cognizance in due passage,
I felt the air of wallows,
in light headed passage,
donnish templates of the peace,
that principal hour of old hand,
pausing extricably the rote,
a date of wrinkled fingers,
passing tenderest visage,
simpler qualities across my face.
For Ciba, light blue captions,
livid blue announcing skies,
for Ciba, who atones in soft plebiscites
Lammas Day, Scilla siberica.
For Ciba, gifts of brass rubbings,
weatherings phthalocyanine,
brindles of indigo, her Blue Niles crying
perturbations in hand of Strawberry mark.
For Ciba, skimming bluets, Sedge sprites,
how softly she adapts the peacock wings humming,
her heavens songs of Robin’s egg blue,
stria shells of heart, as the yoke is breaking.
Come limber leaf, transcending winds,
widening guild prolongations branches,
acceleration intumescence of honeyed sallows,
quivering though the wicking bee, may not
be worsted from autumn’s crescent shadow.
Come laurel the high peaks, as the Zephyr
bear prestige, as the prominent ancillaries
fear the calumet will worsen, for rosy cheeks
of exaltation, drift faltered toward earthen
feet, ruins offering glad trays to nadir.
All Hastings of ribbons, sleepless spring
ambition, the desultory jaspe’ will moire to
brighten, languishment Slough of Despond,
the Eeyorish will dance again in blithe, cordial
wind convivial, dulcet comfy gentled times.
The impossible peace,
reeds of Montpellier green,
as the tarnish of azo flavin,
leaves the sapphirine skies,
trypan blue.
The last of xanthic argument,
sallow want for woad,
final leaves of chrysophenin,
emeraude and celadon,
have welcomed the Alice seed,
less the golden pheasants
of pious gamboge.
Stones wherein the field gray,
the final soldier
carried beneath the lamps
of light gunmetal,
to the sorrows of Cyprus umber,
Merida or philamot,
isamine and Veronese,
each garment heart of rose bengale,
comes to the scarlet madder.
the peach blossoms
of shocking pink.
Taken to the laver, mute of hares,
achene or carrageen,
filicinae of syconium,
venter of wilt,
weep as the sea flight,
millet to the skein dhu,
conversant au fait,
the pome or the oak gall,
the fright of gods,
graminivore of lands pax or lore.
I am not of vate, hierophant
or asperse, Kyrie not of weather,
scouring rush, or consubstantial
to fells of dust,
Sursum Corda or lamention,
or joys of Anthesteria,
nor yet as tiller,
the christening of trust,
sortilege of mourners, nor tears of the
third eye, waters divining,
Rose repertoire red ballet shoes, Rue Chamoiness,
Fouettés in high heels, balcony steps, Rue des Rosiners,
the hour hand of Rue Cler, leaving palm upon the cobble.
Asanoha, Nowaki grasses, peasant craft of talisman,
embroidered threads of rising steam, elders of Myoga flowers,
messengers of Nakasendo highway, the quay of fates.
The Silk Road, the incense road, instep earth of emerald,
as footfall rains first fell, soft boots of estivaux, golden heels of
earlier stockings, white phaecasim, toes in ostentatious curl.
Oracles Ardea Grus.
officiants of the Brolga,
capitulants of the Demoiselle cranes,
lengths of long bills pandering,
morsels of Panola pansies,
from the seaside cloth of
Madame Priesh,
Drillaud pears cordial,
eaux de vie,
candied Padparadja,
a small dose of feathers fruiting,
forage forays of the copper still.
Let it be French,
requiring no stolid lead upon the day,
floss the peelings of variance,
lighteners of marmalades,
the sun as hostess,
reaching for glasswares glint,
sweet radiance of red berries.
Touch, embrace, accompanied skin halos,
prismatic auras central to ring clouds,
origins becoming Bosphorus cymbals,
merges thorough through the crescents,
diviners, prescient of Mesmers, sighs in cadences
of light aeolian accessions.
The concordat come to depth, cordial pairing
of two seas, arabesque the comity of leagues,
some lands quivering, divers, swimmers,
breathers unorthodox covenanter and seal,
the soft konghou from Kizil cave, silk strings,
what is neutral in ascent.
We were braiding grass, timeless, nocturnal,
a singular harp in the painting of Feitian,
gladiolus of the Saiding lutes, eon bread from
elder auspices, to feed the body fires savour, from
flesh bonds, niece hearts, quiet foreign languages,
elicit vowels, Osmin purple basil.